Cookie Consent by Company tab: COXABENGOA - Revista VÍA LIBRE - Fundación de los Ferrocarriles Españoles

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Calle Energía Solar 1
E-41014 Sevilla. Spain
Company data

Coxabengoa, a vertically integrated global water and energy utility, that applies innovative technological solutions for sustainable development, through its Infrastructure vertical, develops the activities of engineering, construction and maintenance of infrastructure in the energy, industry, environment, transport and communications sectors, covering the development of transmission and distribution lines, railway electrification, installations and infrastructures for all types of plants and buildings, , as well as auxiliary electrical, electronic and steel structures manufacturing.

Management team

Coxabengoa President: Enrique Riquelme
Vertical Infrastructure CEO: Pablo Infante Cossío.
Director of Railway Division: Jose Javier González Solano.
Director of Technical and Engineering Office: Juan Carlos Cortés Rengel.

Activity Construction, infrastructures, energy electrification, railway electrification, construction of renewable plants, electrical and mechanical installations, telecommunications, signalling, manufacturing of electronics and auxiliary electrical equipment, manufacturing of metal structures, engineering and consulting, maintenance.

Main products and services

Engineering, construction and industrial maintenance of infrastructure in the energy, industry, environment, transport and communications sectors: transmission and distribution lines, railway electrification, installations and infrastructures for all types of plants and buildings, electrical and electronic ancillary manufacturing and metal structures.


Top products: ELECTRIFICATION: 1. Coxabengoa Construction and maintenance of railway electrification. ENGINEERING AND CONSULTING: 2. Coxabengoa Railway Engineering.


Activities by year

In Spain, we continue to work with our client Adif for the maintenance of the Antequera-Granada, Madrid-Zaragoza-Barcelona-French border, Madrid-Alicante, Madrid-Córdoba-Málaga-Seville, Madrid-Toledo and Madrid-Valladolid high-speed lines. Likewise, the maintenance work on the conventional railway lines and substations in the central (based in Madrid) and northeast (based in Barcelona) areas.

Also for Adif, the works for the electrification of the Madrid-Levante high-speed line, on the stretch to Murcia and the installation and maintenance of the protection, security and telecommunications systems in the Pajares tunnel has been put into service; and we have begun the contract for the replacement (supply and assembly) of 180km of catenary support cable to improve the electromechanical efficiency on the Madrid-High Speed Line (LAV) Barcelona-French Border.

In the United Kingdom, for Network Rail, we have successfully completed the commissioning of the control of the disconnectors of the Safer Faster Isolations project, and we have received an extension of work on the project to install harmonic filters in the Bulls Lodge containerized substation Feeder that will remain pending until the client can confirm power outages to complete them.

Likewise, for our client Amey, we have successfully completed the detailed design of 3 different sections of railway electrification in Wales within the framework of the Wales & Borders.

In Lithuania, for Lithuanian Railways, we continue with the project of electrification of the Vilnius-Klaipeda railway corridor, where notable progress has been made in the execution of the project.

In Saudi Arabia, for the Saudi Railways Organization, the maintenance of the electrification infrastructure of the Mecca-Medina high-speed train continues, in which Coxabengoa participated as one of the members of the Spanish consortium that built the project.


The design work that Coxabengoa carries out in the railway sector is focused both on the field of catenary design and on the design of traction substations, as well as on the design of the telecommunications systems necessary for railway infrastructures. Within these designs, Coxabengoa carries out both detailed engineering and technical construction support for different projects, whether built by Coxabengoa itself or by other possible external clients.

In the past year, Coxabengoa has carried out engineering work for different railway electrification projects on conventional Adif lines, located between the communities of Cantabria and the Basque Country. These projects have consisted of both the development of supporting technical reports, the development of layout plans, and the obtaining of work measurements for the remodeling of railway layouts of conventional lines or stations, some of which are the Bárcena stations, the Las Fraguas station , San Miguel, Requejada, Miaño, Adarzo and Barreda station, among others.

In addition, detailed design and construction support work continues to be carried out for the Monforte del Cid-Murcia high-speed rail projects, as well as design support for the Mérida- Badajoz high-speed rail project, among which are the design of special situations. , development of layout plans, calculation of brackets and hangers or technical assistance for the construction phases of said projects. These projects have been both Coxabengoa's own construction projects and external ones, working in synergy with all its departments.

Coxabengoa has also provided technical support for different maintenance contracts, from the generation of technical documentation such as maintenance plans or inspection and control programs, to the management of said documentation through Adif's PIDAME software. This engineering division has participated in the projects of the Antequera-Granada LAV, the Madrid-Seville LAV and the Córdoba-Málaga LAV, the Madrid-Barcelona-French Border LAV, as well as the maintenance of the conventional LAC in different areas (central and northwest areas of Spain). In addition to the previously mentioned efforts, different technical investment projects have been developed.



Coxabengoa develops innovation products related to the energy sector in the railway field, through sensorization , monitoring and infrastructure design. During 2023 it has continued its product development work in the railway area during 2022.

Below we detail some of them:

ALIS simulation tool

Coxabengoa develops a simulation tool that allows virtually simulating railway electrification systems, based on safety and energy efficiency in railway systems.
ALIS is a tool capable of simulating the entire railway electrification system, simulating situations that may affect the railway system or passenger safety, as well as carrying out energy efficiency and optimization studies in the railway environment.

ALIS is made up of a series of modules capable of carrying out the following studies:
-Electrical sizing of traction substations.
-Optimization of location, number and power of electrical traction SSEEs and autotransformation centers.
-Studies of pantograph-catenary interaction and its tension
-Calculation of short circuits in railway electrification systems for different types of faults.
-Calculation of ground return currents, stray currents, accessible voltages, and contact.
-Electromagnetic compatibility studies and calculation of induced voltages in conductors.
-Efficient driving and energy saving studies
-Studies of energy storage systems
-Studies for the integration of renewable energies into the sector

The company is carrying out simulation work and marketing results in markets such as Saudi Arabia, the United Kingdom and Spain for important railway clients such as Adif, Network Rail or Saudi Arabia. Railway Organization among others.

MICRrail . Catenary layout software

Coxabengoa develops a simulation tool that allows intelligent modeling to be carried out to optimize catenary designs in an automated manner, as well as to carry out decision making and life cycle analysis in its catenary designs using the BIM methodology.

MICRail is a tool that has the ability to carry out the following studies:
- 3D vision of the complete project on the BIM platform ( OpenBIM )
-Catenary layout notebook
-Cross sections per post
-Material measurements of the complete project
-Implementation of 4D BIM models capable of associating the temporality variable (Gantt Chart) to the elements of the model.
-Life cycle cost analysis (LCCA)
-“Business Ingelligence ” tool that will allow you to gather, purify, analyze and easily obtain comparisons of data to help make intelligent decisions.

MICRail is a bidirectional tool that involves the workflow from the design algorithms to the BIM platform and vice versa.

The tool has been designed for automated three-dimensional design of catenaries and adapted to railway traction substations. The software is in the process of progress and is expected to be ready during the current year, and is currently in development and validation testing of the tool.

Railway rail breakage monitoring and detection system:

In the last year, Abengoa continues to exploit the results of these innovation projects in the railway area, obtaining more than satisfactory results. Specifically, Broken Lane is a railway rail break detection system that monitors railway infrastructure in real time for conventional or high-speed lines. This system is unique in the world, and is capable of detecting breaks and identifying them at their breaking point.

The Railway Innovation hub

Since 2016, Abengoa has collaborated in the development of the The Railway Innovation Hub , a railway cluster based in Malaga over which Abengoa holds the vice presidency. The Railway Innovation Hub aims to become a benchmark for railway innovation both nationally and internationally through support for the sector and with the support and collaboration of its more than 90 associates.

Among the most significant projects developed by the HUB we highlight the following:
-Implementation and standardization of the BIM methodology in the railway sector.
-Design of the Station of the future
-The implementation of Hydrogen in the railway sector.


Areas Spain, United Kingdom, France, Lithuania, rest of Europe, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates.

Certifications Quality and Environment:
(i) Quality: ISO 9001 certification for more than 20 years. Pecal / AQAP 2110 certification for the defense sector and certificate of conformity of factory production control for the execution of steel structures (CE Certificate)..
(ii) Health and Safety: ISO 45001 Certification for more than 15 years.
(iii) Environment: ISO 14001 certification for more than 20 years.

Activities Infraestructure, Mechanical construction, Electrification, Auxiliary electric equipment, Auxiliary mechanical equipment, Engineering and consulting, Maintenance, Others, Telecommunication, Business associations.
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