Cookie Consent by Company tab: INGETEAM Power Technology, S.A. - Revista VÍA LIBRE - Fundación de los Ferrocarriles Españoles

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INGETEAM Power Technology, S.A.  
Railways & Mobility

Versión en castellano

Postal address Parque Tecnológico- Edificio 110
E-48170 Zamudio. Bizkaia. Spain
Telephone +34 94 655 90 00   Fax +34 94 403 98 37   E-mail Web  
Company data

INGETEAM Traction is a designer and supplier of complete solutions of traction, control and auxiliary systems for rolling stock, based on in-house developments of power and control electronics. INGETRAC traction converters are based on an smart integration of Basic Power Modules extensively proves to assure modularity and maintenance activities, while maximizing availability and assuring rolling stock characteristics, including security and comfort. Cooperation with our customers begins at vehicle definition and goes through design and engineering phases up to turn-key supply of the on-board electrical solution, for both new rolling stock and modernization of fleet. Our capacities and the experience on the railways sector allow us to offer advanced solutions, leading to minimized operational costs and significant improvements on the rolling stock operation, focusing on reliability, availability, maintenance and energy consumption.

Management team

Managing Director: Josu Elorriaga Llanos. Sales & Marketing Director: Ondrej Skuta.

Activity Traction & Control solutions.

Main products and services

INGETRAC Traction Converters and equipment.


Top products: ROLLING STOCK AND TRACTION EQUIPTMENT: Traction Systems and INGETRAC Traction Converters.


Activities by year

Supply of traction systems and converters for EMU-s, Locomotives and High Speed. Multi-voltage traction converters, including hybrid and BESS.

Areas Europe, Asia, America, Africa.

Certifications Quality and Environment: DNV-EN ISO 9001. IRIS Certified.

Activities Mechanical construction, Electrification, Electronic traction, Rolling stock and traction equipment, Auxiliary electric equipment, Engineering and consulting, Maintenance, Others.
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