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FCC Construcción

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Postal address Avda. del Camino de Santiago, 40
E-28050 Madrid. Spain
Telephone +34 91 757 28 00   E-mail
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FCC Construction leaders in infrastructures

FCC Construccion is a company specialized in large infrastructure projects throughout the world. FCC Construccion belongs to FCC Group, whose main lines of business are environmental services, water and infrastructures. With more than 120 years of experience, FCC Construcción is among the top construction companies in the world.

Management team

Managing Director: Pablo Colio Abril.

Main products and services

Civil works (metro, bridges, roads, railway works, ports, airports, water treatment plants, transport terminals ...), building (residential and non-residential), industrial and concessions.


Top products: INFRAESTRUCTURE: 1. Access to La Sagrera Station. Track assembly and execution of installations in technical areas for trains (Barcelona). 2. Track duplication of the R-3 commuter line (Barcelona). Parets del Vallés-La Garriga section. Track and electrification. TRACK: 3. Complete remodelling of Fuente de San Luis Station (Valencia) for the implementation of standard gauge track. 4. Conditioning of the Roda de Bará Tunnel for the implementation of standard gauge on the Mediterranean Corridor.


Activities by year

Below, a selection of some of the largest projects in execution.

> Railways

RER3 Go Expansion On-Corr Project. Toronto - Ontario (Canada).
Mega-project for a complete renovation of the GO TRANSIT system, commuter rail in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). It covers the renewal and extension of the existing rail infrastructure including electrification, supply of railway rolling stock, and maintenance and operation of the network for 25 years.

Railway contracts in Romania (Romania). Rehabilitation of the Sighisoara-Atel and Atel-Micasasa sections of the Brasov - Simeria railway line. Rehabilitation of the Barzava-Ilteu and Gurasada-Simeria sections of the Curtici-Simeria railway line on the Romanian-Hungarian border. Upgrading of the Caransebes-Timisoara-Arad railway line: section Lugoj-Timisoara Est. Upgrading of the Cluj-Episcopia Bihor railway line: section Alesd-Poieni.

Modernization of the Western Line, Mira Sintra / Meleças – Caldas da Rainha section, between km 20+320 and 107+740. Subsection B: Torres Vedras-Caldas da Rainha (Portugal).
The main actions are the rectification of some curves on the railway layout, the electrification of the line, and interventions in 6 stations and 3 halts, with the creation of passenger docks with minimum lengths of 150 m and technical rooms to accommodate the command and control equipment for circulation and telecommunications.

Access to La Sagrera Station (Barcelona, España). The works consist of the execution of the access sections to the future La Sagrera Station and the two lines Villafranca-Maçanet and Vilanova-Mataró, which will be placed between screens in the lower level of the same, as well as the platform where the Madrid-Barcelona-French border high-speed line will be located, which is available over the previous ones. The layout of the commuter tracks is depressed at the entrance of the station and returns to ascend to the initial level at the exit of it, while the High Speed line would have a substantially horizontal layout.

Track assembly and execution of installations in technical areas for trains at La Sagrera (Barcelona, España). The contract for the main work has been complemented with the track assembly contract, which includes the complete work for the commissioning of the high-speed tracks at La Sagrera, and the contract for the architecture and installations of the technical treatment area for trains (A and B phases).

Arterial railway network of Valladolid. East by-pass. Railway substructure and civil works (Valladolid, España). It has a total length of 17.5 km, with 2 branches in the initial section and two provisional links with the current route at the beginning and end of the section. A variant in Iberian gauge will be developed, mainly for the transport of merchandise, on which will be located a New Railway Complex, which will have access in international gauge. The layout in plan with design speed of 160 km / h, runs on the surface along its entire length except in 2 km in which the ground runs underground, being mostly false tunnel. The type section of the platform is suitable for a double track of Iberian gauge with an entree of 4.0 m, although in a zone of 6 km the platform is extended to accommodate a third track in UIC gauge, to be installed in the future. As for the structures, the variant has 1 viaduct, 5 underpasses, 8 overpasses and a pedestrian walkway. The most unique structure is the viaduct of "Los Tramposos", on the N-601 road, with a total length of 1,130.5 meters.

Construction of the freight terminal of the railway complex and its connection with Valladolid’s new arterial railway network (Valladolid, España).
Construction of the freight terminal of the new arterial network’s railway complex. It has a set of tracks for the entry, exit and formation of trains, and a loading/unloading area consisting of a concrete slab 750 m long by 50 m wide.

Track duplication of the R-3 commuter line. Parets del Vallés - La Garriga section. Track and electrification (Barcelona, España). Track duplication in a 16 km section including platform and track, structures (9 viaducts, 7 overpasses, 9 underpasses, 28 walls), drainage (19 culverts for drainage, ditches, collectors), electrification (catenary), railway installations, and restoration of affected services and easements.

Undergrounding of Renfe's R2 commuter line in Montcada i Reixac (in Vallès Occidental, Barcelona, Spain). The project includes the construction of the new station in this municipality and will involve an unprecedented urban and railway transformation, due to the diversity and technical and constructive complexity.

Complete remodelling of Fuente de San Luis Station for the implementation of standard gauge track (Valencia, España).
Renovation of the superstructure of the mixed gauge track or adaptation to this gauge where it does not yet exist on the general track and on a large part of the rail yard, including optimisation of the geometry. Other works to be carried out are the creation of new platform to sort rail tracks, and the adaptation of the drainage, electrification, railway installations, services and easements and auxiliary installations to the new track configuration.

Conditioning of the Roda de Bará Tunnel for the implementation of standard gauge on the Mediterranean Corridor (Tarragona, España). Adaptation of the Roda de Bará tunnel section for the implementation of standard gauge. This includes the readjustment of the section for the new gauges and the implementation of slab track, the structural repair of the tunnel due to the significant problems of leaks, damp and existing surges, and the installation of an efficient drainage system.

> Metro and Metropolitan Infrastructures

Riyadh Metro. Lines 4, 5 and 6 (Saudi Arabia). The project includes the design and construction of lines 4 (yellow), 5 (green) and 6 (purple), which will have 25 stations for which 64.6 kilometers of subway tracks will be required, 29.8 kilometers of viaducts, 26.6 kilometers of underground roads and 8.2 kilometers of surface roads. For the construction of the three lines, two Tunnel Boring Machines of the type TBM (tunnel boring machine), of 9.77 meters in diameter, were used to excavate complete section tunnels.

Lima Metro. Line 2 and branch line 4 (Peru). The project includes the design, construction, financing, operation and maintenance of Line 2 of the Lima Metro and a branch of Line 4, which will reach the airport, for an amount of 3,900 million euros. Line 2 will have a length of 27 kilometers and will cover the east-west axis of Lima, from Ate to Callao. Once in operation, will serve more than 600,000 people a day, which will save up to ninety minutes on its journey. For its part, the branch line 4, which will link the Peruvian capital with the airport, will run along 8 kilometers of tunnel, from Faucett avenues to Nestor Gambetta.

Toronto Subway Extension of TTC Line 2 (Toronto, Canada). Line 2 will be extended by 7.8 kilometres, including new stations and connections to Line 5, TTC bus services and Durham Region Transit. The extension will replace the existing Line 3, improving the customer experience by providing fast and seamless access to the city and helping to reduce travel times.


Certifications Quality System Certificates: AENOR Certificate for ISO-9001 (since 1994), seal to the quality “Madrid Excelente”.
Certificates of the Environmental Management System: AENOR Certificate for ISO-14001 (since 1998), Verification of Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventory by AENOR (since 2010) , Verification of Sustainability report by AENOR (since 2011).
Certificate for Occupational Risk Prevention Certificate: SGS Certificate in accordance with ISO 45001 (since 2020, previously OHSAS 18.001: 1999).
R + D + i management system certificate in accordance with the UNE 16002 standard (since 2007)..
Information Security Management System certificated by AENOR in accordance with ISO 27001 (since 2007).
Collaborative Business Relationship Management Systems certificated by AENOR in accordance with the UNE ISO 44001 standard (since 2019).

Net revenues 2,823.1 million Euros.
Order volume 6,425.9 million Euros.
Ebitda 169.4 million Euros.
Activities Infraestructure, Maintenance, Others, Track.
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