Cookie Consent by Company tab: SYNEOX S.L.U. - Revista VÍA LIBRE - Fundación de los Ferrocarriles Españoles

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Postal address Valportillo II, 8b
Polígono Industrial Alcobendas
E-28108 Alcobendas. Madrid. Spain
Telephone +34 91 080 77 92  E-mail Web  
Company data
Management team

General Director: Alejandro Just; International Business Director: Bertrand Devambez; National Business Director: Francisco Martínez; Financial Director: Borja Enseñat; Engineering Director: Jorge Domingo; R&D Director: Rubén Jiménez.

Activity Syneox is a railway electrification company belonging to the Cobra Industrial Services division (Cobra IS), part of the VINCI group. Syneox has extensive national and international experience in the construction of catenary and substations for high speed, conventional and urban lines, signalling, energy and construction of associated civil works. Its activity continues once construction is complete, carrying out maintenance.

Main products and services

Electrification (catenary and substations for high speed, conventional and urban lines). Signalling. Energy. Associated civil works. Maintenance.

Top projects: ELECTRIFICATION: 1. Construction and maintenance of the project for the overhead contact line and associated systems of the Murcia-Almeria high-speed Mediterranean corridor. Murcia-Lorca sections. 2. Construction and maintenance of the project for the traction electrical substation and associated auto-transformer centres on the Murcia-Lorca section. Murcia-Almería high-speed line.


Activities by year

Projects in execution: Execution of the works and maintenance of the project for the overhead contact line and associated systems for the Murcia-Almeria high-speed Mediterranean corridor. Murcia-Lorca sections; Execution of works and maintenance of the construction project for the electrical traction substation and associated auto-transformer centres on the Murcia-Lorca section. Murcia-Almería high-speed line; Execution of works on the construction project for the new Ourense intermodal station and pedestrian walkway and the construction project for the new Ourense intermodal station. Covering of the track bed. Structure and urban development.

Projects awarded: Comprehensive management of civil protection installations in the tunnels belonging to the Chamartín-Torrejón de Velasco, Madrid-Valladolid-León, Venta de baños-Burgos and Olmedo-Zamora-Pedralba high-speed lines (2023); Maintenance services for traction energy installations: overhead contact line, energy remote control, substations, auto-transformer centres and associated systems on the Madrid-Valladolid-León and Burgos sections of the Madrid-Valladolid-León and Burgos high-speed lines (2023); Maintenance services for the Madrid-Valladolid-León and Burgos sections of the Madrid-Valladolid-León high-speed lines (2023). (2023); Execution of communications infrastructure renewal works in the north-west area (2023); Communications infrastructure renewal works in the north area; Execution of the 25 kV AC electrification project works on track 1,435 between Xàtiva and Nudo de la Encina (2023); Works for the reform and modernisation plan for line 6 traction centres, 40% of which can be financed under the 2021-2027 ERDF operational programme of the Community of Madrid. Lot 1: Reform and modernisation of the following CTRs on Line 6: CTR Méndez Álvaro, CTR Manuel Becerra, CTR República Argentina, CTR Universitaria, CTR Lucero, CTR Mirasierra and CTR Argüelles.


Areas Spain, Latin America (Dominican Republic, Chile), Israel, Saudi Arabia, India, China.

Certifications Quality: Certificate ISO 9001:2015 nº ER-0200/1994 AENOR.
Environment: Certificate ISO 14001:2015 nº GA 2023/0010 AENOR.
Safety: Certificate ISO 45001:2018 nº SST-0002/2023 AENOR.
Adhered to “United Nations Global Compact”.

No. of employees 643
R&D Investment 1% of turnover
Net revenues 80.000 (thousands of euros)
Activities Infraestructure, Electrification, Maintenance, Signalling.
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