Cookie Consent by Company tab: G&O - Revista VÍA LIBRE - Fundación de los Ferrocarriles Españoles

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Versión en castellano

Postal address Paseo de la Castellana nº 259 D.
Torre Emperador
28046 Madrid, Spain
Telephone +34 91 348 41 00  Web  
Company data
Management team


Activity Infrastructure Construction, Electrification, Maintenance, Signalling.

Main products and services

More than 75 years endorse the trajectory of OHLA's infrastructure group subsidiary, G&O, whose origins lie in the merger of the companies Grupo Guinovart and Obras y Servicios Hispania, founded in 1948 and 1949, respectively. Our activity is mainly focused on works for the railway sector, in which we have extensive experience in the construction of infrastructure and superstructure, including electrification and signaling works in conventional lines, subway and light rail. Special mention should be made of our work in the field of high-speed rail, in the development of which we are pioneers. In addition, we have a leading position in maintenance services for public railroads, on Iberian gauge and UIC gauge lines. In addition to our experience in the railway field, mainly national and with clients such as ADIF, FGC, ETS, TMB or Metro Madrid, we have a stable presence in Colombia, where we have been working since 2013 on major projects such as the Medellin metro.
More information: Monografico-GO-esp.pdf (

Top products: MAINTENANCE: 1. Railway Maintenance. INFRASTRUCTURE: 2. Ordes Bypass. Atlantic high-speed axis. 3. Rehabilitation of Ankara-Estambul High Speed Railway Line.


Activities by year

Construction and maintenance of railway infrastructures and superstructures, both 1,435 and 1,668 mm gauge.

Areas Spain.

Certifications Quality and Environment: Commitment to quality, the environment and occupational risk prevention has been a priority. This is demonstrated by the implementation in our business model of the respective quality, environmental and occupational risk prevention management systems in accordance with the requirements established by international standards ISO 9001, 14001 and 45001.

Activities Infraestructure, Electrification, Maintenance, Signalling.
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