Cookie Consent by Company tab: HEXIS GRAPHICS ESPAÑA S.L. - Revista VÍA LIBRE - Fundación de los Ferrocarriles Españoles

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Postal address Spain Subsidiary:
Calle Priora Xixilona, 62
Polígono Industrial Can Terrers
08530 La Garriga (Barcelona). Spain
Other addresses
Postal address Madrid Office:
Camino de Pajares y Porcal, 16
Parque A3
28500 Arganda del Rey (Madrid). Spain

Company data

With 35 years of expertise and a recognised reputation, HEXIS Group, as a manufacturer and distributor of self-adhesive films, has firmly established itself as a major player in the market for visual communication and surface protection. Its technologically advanced products, its culture of customisation and its ability to innovate and diversify its offer have consolidated its position, convincing demanding sectors such as the automotive industry - in particular, motor sport and its premier league, Formula 1 -, the aeronautical, nautical and railway industries.

HEXIS printable, coloured or protective self-adhesive films offer a complete range of solutions to meet the most challenging quality criteria and requirements of the industrial projects. HEXIS supports its clients throughout all phases of the project, from technical conception to implementing the best tailor-made alternatives, while also providing a framework for technical assistance.

Based on this experience, HEXIS provides a solution to enhance and protect your image as well as your equipment. The installation of adhesive films has multiple advantages to improve the perception of users, provide endless creative possibilities, reduce maintenance times and costs, protect from graffiti etc.

Management team

General Manager: Xavier Casas; Sales Director: Ripu Bakshi; Financial Manager: Chelo Reyes.

Activity Components, Maintenance and Other.

Main products and services

European manufacturer of high-performance self-adhesive films in PVC, PU or latex.

-    RU5000 (Railway Underground) PVC suitable for underground trains
-    RO6000 (Railway Overground) PVC suitable for surface railways
-    R7000 PU suitable for indoors and outdoors. PVC-free
-    R11000 conformable PU suitable for indoors and outdoors. PVC-free
-    RS BODYFENCE (self-healing Paint Protection Film)
-    PURE ZONE (Antimicrobial Film)


Top products: MAINTENANCE: 1. R7000. 2. PURE ZONE.


Activities by year

HEXIS has surpassed its own targets by successfully wrapping over 500,000 square meters of rolling stock surfaces across Europe for a variety of railway projects. Its wide range of eco-sustainable solutions and products is recognised by key players in the industry, from manufacturers to operators.

In Spain, various wrapping projects have been carried out, both in renovation processes and new construction, meeting the quality and safety requirements demanded by manufacturers. Among other clients, these have put their trust in HEXIS products:

-    CAF
-    TALGO
-    RENFE



RL11030-11. New extra multipurpose film made of conformable PU suitable for indoors and outdoors: Anti-graffiti, not only prevents graffiti from embedding, but also facilitates the cleaning of the rolling stock (rated G1 according to NF F31-112); Highly conformable, making it ideal for application on 2D+ surfaces; Ecological and durable, providing a 100% PVC-free solution, highly resistant to wear and UV rays. Fire-resistant according to the European standard EN 45545-2 (tested for HL1, HL2 and HL3 hazard levels).

Areas Production sites in France; Subsidiaries in Germany, Spain, Italy, Sweden, Denmark, United States, French West Indies, Reunion Island, Switzerland and Australia; Licensed companies in the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Canada and the Middle East; and a network of distributors operating in over 75 countries.

Certifications Quality, Environment and CSR: Quality Management ISO 9001 certification; Environmental Management ISO 14001 certification; Occupational Health and Safety Management ISO 45001 certification; IATF 16049:2016 and FSC Forest Management certifications (Frontignan production site); gold medal in the EcoVadis sustainability ratings for 2024.

Turnover €141,000,000
No. of employees 522 employees
R&D Investment 2.5% of annual turnover
Activities Components, Maintenance, Others.
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