Cookie Consent by Company tab: ARDANUY INGENIERÍA, S.A. - Revista VÍA LIBRE - Fundación de los Ferrocarriles Españoles

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Postal address Avda. de Europa, 34 - Edificio B.
E-28023 Madrid. Spain
Telephone +34 91 799 45 00   Fax +34 91 799 45 01   E-mail Web  
Company data

Other offices:           Barcelona, Valencia, Sevilla, Tenerife

                                   Vilnius (Ardanuy Baltic)

                                   Nueva Delhi (Ardanuy India)

                                   Bogotá (Ardanuy Colombia)

                                   Lima (Ardanuy Perú)

                                   Brasil (Ardanuy do Brasil Ltda)

                                   Argel (Ardanuy Algerie)

Management team

CEO: Carlos Alonso. Financial Director: Carlos Estévez. International Director: Alberto González. COO: Abraham García. Latin America Director: Juan Manuel Cabellos. R+D Director: Bernat Amadas.

Activity Railway Engineering and Consultancy Services in transport and energy sectors.

Main products and services

Feasibility Studies, Basic and Detailed Design, Works Supervision and Project Management for railways, metros, trams, monorails, cable cars, etc.

ISA (Independent Safety Assessor) for Infrastructure, Energy, Control-Command Signalling and Rolling Stock Subsystems. RAMS studies, Life Cycle Cost (LCC) Studies.

Comprehensive Operation and Maintenance Simulations.


Top products: ENGINEERING AND CONSULTING: 1. Development of Computer Applications for Consultancy in Railway Operation and Railway Maintenance: RailPower, RailTraffic, SIMOLE, AUTOELEC. TRAINING, CERTIFICATION, RESEARCH: 2. Independent Safety Assessor: ISA Accreditation for Control-command and signalling, Energy, Rolling Stock and Infrastructure.


Activities by year

1. Technical assistance in the process of development, implementation and application of common safety methods for ADIF (Spain).
2. Drafting of construction projects for the control, command and signalling subsystem associated with the adaptation and improvement of the facilities in the REFIG (Spanish General Interest Railway Network).
3. Supervision of the service provided and the asset conservation (maintenance) of the concession of line 1 of the Lima and Callao Metro.
4. Technical assistance in installations for the design and construction of the São Paulo Metro L6.
5. Independent Safety Assessment (ISA) of the Maya Train.
6. Technical assistance for the construction project for the signalling of the new access to the La Llagosta multimodal trackbed.
7. Technical support service for the execution of installation engineering projects and works associated with improvement plans for the Metro de Madrid network.
8. Supervision and control of Cable Car Construction from Varanasi Cantt. to Godowlia Chowk in the State of Uttar Pradesh in Hybrid Annuity Mode (India).
9. Comprehensive audit for the implementation of the Calle 80 light rail project in Medellín (Colombia)
10. Improvement of sustainable urban transport for line 3 of the Hanoi metro. Feasibility study to replace diesel buses with electric buses.


Participation in the OPTIMA Project and 4SECURAIL Project of the Shift2Rail, Research & Innovation Framework Program, under the H2020 umbrella:

The OPTIMA project will address the design and development of a Communication Platform to manage the link with different services (multimodal operational systems), supporting TMS applications.

The 4SECURAIL project, coordinated by Ardanuy Ingeniería, will develop a coordinated cybersecurity response to protect critical infrastructure such as the rail network.

Areas Ardanuy is working in 5 continents and has developed Projects in more than 60 countries. Ardanuy has permanent office in Spain, India, Colombia, Algeria and Lithuania.

Certifications Certification / Accreditation: ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 17020; Achilles (Link up).

No. of employees 400
Share capital 60,121 Euros
R&D Investment 1,600,000 Euros
Sales 32 million Euros
Activities Engineering and consulting, Others.
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