Cookie Consent by Company tab: REDALSA - Revista VÍA LIBRE - Fundación de los Ferrocarriles Españoles

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Postal address Polígono de Argales, s/n. Apdo. 719
E-47080 Valladolid. Spain
Telephone +34 98 327 13 16
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Company data
Management team

Managing Director: Sergio López Lara. Economic-Financial and Management Head: Cristina Martín Ortiz. Head of Manufacturing and External Works: Tamara Izarra Tobes. Operation Manager: Álvaro Nobre Ramos. Head of engineering, maintenance and innovation: José Luis Martín Viejo.

Activity Track.

Main products and services

Operation of trains on the rail system, Entity in Charge of Maintenance (ECM): F1–F2–F3–F4, Rail Training Centre, Flash-butt welding on the track and in fixed plant. Manufacture of skl-1; skl-12; skl-12 RE and skl-14 elastic clips. Regeneration of rails for second uses. Ultrasonic and optic rail inspection. Ultrasonic Welding and turnouts inspection. RT4: on track running Dynamic Testing, according to the standard UNE-EN 12299 and UNE-EN 14363, of the track and Comfort. Assembly of Turnouts PEM-LEM. Engineering services I+D own. Maintenance of the Robel and Alegria wagons. Approved Center of Maintenance. Own Laboratory.
Redalsa is in possession of railway Single safety certificate.


Top products: TRACK: 1. RT4: Ultrasonic and optic rail testing, Track and Comfort Dynamic Testing according to the standard UNE-EN 12299 and UNE-EN 14363, and geometric testing. 2. Flash-butt welding of the track and rail fastenings.


Activities by year

The main clients are: Adif, Adif Alta Velocidad, ArcelorMittal, Luso Galaica de Traviesas, Travipos, Traviesas y Pref.Aragón S,L, Aldesa Construcciones, Traviesas del Norte, Metro Sevilla, Drace, Vias y construcciones, EdilonSedra, FGC, Comsa, Acciona, Emfesa, Grupo Azvi, Metro Madrid, FGV, Talleres Alegría, Amurrio Ferrocarril, Mieres Rail, Metro Bilbao, Metro Málaga, Renfe Mercancias, Convensa, LFP Perthus, Rover Rail, Voestalpine, Infraestructuras de Portugal and SFM Serveis Ferroviaris de Mallorca.

Areas Spain and Portugal.

Certifications Quality; Environment; Rail Welding and Manufacturing of Clips SKL-1, SKL-12, SKL-12 RE, SKL-14, and SKL-14 RE: UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015 ES23/00000412; UNE-EN ISO 14001:2015 ES23/00000511; ADIF acceptance certificate for fixed plant flash-butt welding machine GAS 80/580 meeting UNE EN 14587-1 requirements; ADIF acceptance certificate for mobile flash-butt welding machine SCHLATTER meeting UNE EN 14587-2 and T.S. 03.360.156.8 requirements; CETREN certificate for elastic fastening SKL-1 T.S. ADIF 03.360.564-1st Ed June/1981; TORROJA Institute report no. 21694-M1 for elastic fastening SKL-14 according to T.S. 03.360.566.8 ADIF Clips; LADICIM Laboratory report no. 15038-M1 for elastic fastening SKL-12 according to T.S. 03.360.590.8 ADIF Clips; LADICIM technical report for elastic fastening SKL-12 RE according to standard DBS918 127.

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