Cookie Consent by Ficha de protagonista del ferrocarril: Ribeiro, Pedro - Revista VÍA LIBRE - Fundación de los Ferrocarriles Españoles

Protagonists: Protagonists of railways

Ribeiro, Pedro
Managing Director of METROTENERIFE (Metropolitano de Tenerife, S.A.)

Spanish version

Personal data
Date of birth 23 February 1970.
Academic background Bachelor´s Degree in Higher Industrial Engineering, specialising in Production Management from FEUP - Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal (1989-1995).

MBA - Master in Business Administration from the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the Catholic University of Portugal (2003-2004).

Career path He began his professional career in 1999 at Metro do Porto, S.A. as Deputy Director of Electromechanical Equipment and Construction of Workshops and Depots. From 2004 to 2007, he worked for Somague-Sacyr Vallehermoso/Transdev as interface coordinator for the Tenerife Tramway project. Once the project was completed and in its pre-operational phase, he was appointed Director of Operations for the Tenerife Tramway, with Transdev as technical partner of Metrotenerife (Metropolitano de Tenerife, S.A.). After Metrotenerife became a 100% public entity, he continued working for Transdev as Technical Director of Operations and then spent some years working for a multinational company in the auxiliary services sector.

During the last years of his experience, he was once again involved in railway projects in Israel, first as Operations Manager for CAF Turnkey & Engineering, S.L., and then as Senior Operations Manager for LAVI Light Rail O&M.

At the beginning of April 2023, he was appointed Managing Director of Metrotenerife.

Postal address Carretera General La Cuesta-Taco, 124.
E-38108 San Cristóbal de La Laguna. Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Spain.
Telephone +34 922 02 48 00
Fax +34 922 57 42 54
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