Cookie Consent by Ficha de protagonista del ferrocarril: Seoane Ikaran, Francisco Javier - Revista VÍA LIBRE - Fundación de los Ferrocarriles Españoles

Protagonists: Protagonists of railways

Seoane Ikaran, Francisco Javier
Eusko Trenbideak – Ferrocarriles Vascos (Basque Railways) General Manager

Spanish version

Personal data
Date and place of birth 1964, Barakaldo (Bizkaia).
Academic background Law Degree. University of the Basque Country – UPV/EHU (1988).
Post-Graduate Diploma in Administrative Management. Alcalá de Henares University (1992).
Career path Lawyer registered with the Bizkaia Law Society, first joined in June 1989.
Director of labour law and legal relations department in companies operating throughout Spain.
Metro Bilbao Legal Department.
Aparkabisa - Centro de Transportes de Bizkaia General Manager.
Experience in handling and solving labour conflicts, negotiating collective bargaining agreements, advisory member of collective bargaining tables in public and private companies, at local, regional and state level.

Postal address Atxuri, 6
E-48006 Bilbao. Spain
Telephone +34 94 401 99 00
Fax +34 94 401 99 01
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