Cookie Consent by Ficha de protagonista del ferrocarril: Navas Carramolino, Adrián - Revista VÍA LIBRE - Fundación de los Ferrocarriles Españoles

Protagonists: Protagonists of railways

Navas Carramolino, Adrián
CEO of Technology & Security Developments.

Spanish version

Personal data
Date of birth 3 June 1975
Academic background Master´s Degree in Human Resources Management and Direction

Career path CEO of Technology & Security Developments (TSD).
RRHH Manager of TSD. Export Area Manager in Gresmanc International. S.L.
Advisory and Consultancy Services in Human Resources Management and Direction.
Seminars and conferences on Integral Management of Human Resources, Benchmarking and emotional intelligence.
Human Resources Management of GRUPO ÁLVAREZ.
Human Resources Management of the Globalus Group of Companies.
Welfare Advisor at Alico Aig Life.
Technician of Management, Administration, Control and Weighing in Almazara Cooperativa Ntra. Sra. Virgen de la Blanca.
Accounting and Management of the Company Confecciones Carrado C.B.

Telephone +34 926 57 47 20
Fax +34 926 57 24 93
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