Cookie Consent by Company tab: SKF Española, S.A. - Revista VÍA LIBRE - Fundación de los Ferrocarriles Españoles

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SKF Española, S.A.

Versión en castellano

Postal address Av. de la Vega, 21
E-28108 Alcobendas (Madrid). Spain
Telephone +34 917 684 200   E-mail
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Company data

This company belongs to SKF Group, established in 1907, with current global presence in more than 130 countries. Organization at the service of the industrial market, including specialized engineers in the railway sector.

Management team

- SKF Director Spain and Portugal: Mario Tordesillas Fernández.
- Sales Manager Railways & Strategic Industries OEMs: Javier Marín Bernal.
- Head of Application Engineering: Francisco Voyer Iniesta.
- Customer Service Specialist Rail: Nuria Pascual Zarzalejo.

Activity Our expertise is built on the development, design and manufacture of bearings, seals, and lubrication systems. And we also provide machine health assessment, reliability engineering and remanufacturing services. SKF develops customized products and services for the railway market, helping the customers optimize their performance, offer and reliability, and reduce life cycle costs. Engineering and remanufacturing services, mounting and dismounting services, including comprehensive maintenance at the client´s facilities, and bearing manufacturing with extended SKF warranty.

Main products and services

Solutions for mechanical and electronic systems for railways, rolling stock or infrastructure. SKF designs and produces axleboxes with high quality level, freight axleboxes according to different national and international specifications, and improves current designs for implementation in new demanding applications. The development of bearing units, with or without integrated sensors brings the best performance in every kind of application, with a deep experience in high-speed applications. These bearings units include journal bearings for axleboxes or bearings for traction motors with optimized maintenance intervals. Integrated sensors are offered for journal bearings to measure, at customer’s choice, speed, sense of rotation, displacement, temperature, and vibrations. Axletronic Kit solution for external sensorisation of axleboxes, is offered for new applications and overhaul existing ones, being a self- adjusted solution for easy implementation. SKF offers a huge range of bearings solutions for rail drive line applications as traction motors, gearboxes, generators... Coated INSOCOAT and Ceramic Hybrid bearings offered for traction motors and other rail applications requiring optimum maintenance. SKF´s spherical bearings for anti-roll bars, connection of coaches, Scharfenberg, are also offered from our prestigious trademark AMPEP. “Engineering services and consultancy are available, including design, homologation, testing, investigation and technical support as condition monitoring, grease analysis, bearing inspection and failure analysis. “Other services including integral maintenance directly from the end user workshop, remanufacturing, overhauling, and retrofitting with the full SKF warranty.


Top products: ROLLING STOCK AND TRACTION EQUIPMENT: 1. IMX Rail: 24/7 monitoring for reduced operational costs. 2. SKF Hybrid Bearings. 3. Y25 lightweight axlebox - New axlebox design for the railway freight market. 4. SKF CRUs for freight.


Areas Spain and Portugal (global and local structure for other countries).

Certifications Quality and Environment: ISO 9001, IRIS, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001.

Activities Components, Mechanical construction, Electronic traction, Auxiliary mechanical equipment, Maintenance, Operators, Others.
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