Page 330 - Anuario FFCC - 2024
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company guide León, Ourense, and Salamanca, with 2,471.60 km of track Valladolid and Medina del Campo in a 24.60 km long.
and the 796,20 km of the Northwest Metric Gauge lines.
The service involves maintenance of the infrastructure (plat-
form), track (and switches), as well as the maintenance of buil-
Cyclic maintenance activities are carried out (infrastruc-
dings (offices, warehouses, workshops) and other facilities of
ture and track inspections and adjustments, checks, track
cleaning), maintenance activities according to the condition,
the La Hiniesta headquarter and other locations.
derived from periodical infrastructure and track inspections or
Complete renewal of track in the Gijón-Laviana line of the
incidents and infrastructure improvement actions.
Metric Gauge Network in Asturias.
Infrastructure, track and switches maintenance in High-
be worked on, runs between Gijón-Sanz Crespo Station and
Speed Lines in Galicia and the High-Speed Atlantic Axis.
(Area of influence of the Irixo and A Mezquita headquarters).
Laviana along 49 km, where the track will be completely re-
newed (ballast, sleepers, rails, switches) and the infrastructure
The service is provided on the Pedralba de la Pradería-Ou- Included in the Asturias Metric Gauge Network, the section to
rense, Ourense-Santiago, and Vigo Urzaiz-A Coruña High will be improved with actions on the platform, tunnels, slopes,
Speed lines, with special infrastructures such as the Maceiras, and level crossings.
Bolaños and Espiño tunnels, Teixeiras and Río Ulla (HSL and
CL) viaducts and all kinds of structures, along 665 km of the Track renewal works on the section Ourense-Monforte de
general track line, managed from the Irixo and A Mezquita Lemos. Line 810.
headquarters. The works are being carried out on the section of line 810
Preventive maintenance activities are carried out on infra- between KP 0+400 of Monforte station and KP 45+563 before
structure, track, switches and headquarters, corrective main- reaching Ourense station, including Canabal, San Estevo do
tenance responding to incidents by providing relief to affected Sil, Os Peares and Barra de Miño stations.
trains and small maintenance activities leading to an impro- The project consists of actions on the track superstructure with
vement in the value of assets, safety, reliability, and comfort the purpose of modernizing the facilities and changing the
from the service. electrification from 3kVDC to 25kV AC, which will allow the
connection of Monforte de Lemos with the High-Speed Net-
Infrastructure, track, and switches maintenance of the North work in Ourense. It will also be carried out the rehabilitation
and Central High-Speed Network. (Area of influence of the and updating of the rest of the elements of the route to adapt it
Olmedo and Villada headquarters). to the new operating conditions. To this end, ballast renewal,
The area which this service is provided is the High-Speed rail- replacement of sleepers, rails, switches in stations and 43 level
way access to the North and North-West railway corridor of crossings will be carried out.
Spain, linking the cities of Madrid, Segovia, Valladolid, Palen-
cia, León, and Burgos, with special infrastructures such as the Integral renewal of track between PP.KK. 0/000-13/000 and
Guadarrama and San Pedro tunnels, viaducts, and all kinds PP.KK. 58/480-92/740 in the Torralba-Soria line.
of structures, along 441.31 km of the general track line, ma- This contract consists of the renovation of 47.3 km of the Tor-
naged from the Olmedo (182.771 km) and Villada (258.541 ralba-Soria line along two subsections (from Torralba station,
km) headquarters. Preventive maintenance is carried out for km 0+000 to km 13+000 and from km 58+450 to Soria stati-
surveillance, data evaluation, diagnosis and programming of on, at km 92+704), in addition to the 45.7 km already rene-
short, medium, and long-term interventions, corrective main- wed. Infrastructure improvement operations are being carried
tenance acting immediately in incidents and improvement ac- out (slopes, drainage, facilities gutter), platform, superstructure
tions increasing the value of assets, and upgrading the safety, (replacement of ballast, sleepers, rails), including actions at
reliability, and comfort from the service in the long term. Torralba station and the replacement and modernization of 33
level crossings with Strail.
Track assembly works for the North-Northwest High-Speed
Corridor. Madrid-Galicia High Speed Line and Maintenance. Track renewal works in the section Arahal-Marchena. Bif.
Lot 1: Track assembly. Line section: Olmedo-Pedralba de la Utrera-Fuente de Piedra Line.
Pradería. The aim of this contract is the integral renewal of the 9 km of
The remaining works consists of doubling the track (64 km) track in the Arahal-Marchena section belonging to the 422 Bif.
on the existing railway platform between Medina del Cam- Utrera - Fuente de Piedra line of the Conventional Network.
po and Coreses, completing the assembly of 1,435 mm wide For this purpose, complete mechanized ballast removal and
double track between Olmedo and Pedralba de la Pradería, renewal and the replacement of sleepers and rails, as well as
in a 197.495 km long, in addition to the rail links in Olmedo, the existing level crossings, will be carried out.
328 Anuario del Ferrocarril 2024 Spanish Railway Yearbook