Page 335 - Anuario FFCC - 2024
P. 335
Áreas geográficas donde comercializa los productos y ser- Top products: ELECTRIFICATION: 1. Coxabengoa Construc-
vicios: España, Reino Unido, Francia, Lituania, resto de Euro- tion and maintenance of railway electrification. ENGINEE-
pa, Arabia Saudí, Emiratos Árabes Unidos. RING AND CONSULTING: 2. Coxabengoa Railway Enginee-
Calidad y Medio Ambiente: Sistema Integrado de Gestión Activities in the year: guía de empresas
aplicado a todos los productos ferroviarios de Coxabengoa:
(i) Calidad: Certificación ISO 9001 desde hace más de 25 In Spain, we continue to work with our client Adif for the
años. Certificación Pecal/AQAP 2110 para el sector defensa maintenance of the Antequera-Granada, Madrid-Zaragoza-
y certificado de conformidad del control de producción en fá- Barcelona-French border, Madrid-Alicante, Madrid-Cór-
brica para ejecución de estructuras de acero (Certificado CE). doba-Málaga-Seville, Madrid-Toledo and Madrid-Valladolid
(ii) Seguridad y salud: Certificación ISO 45001 desde hace high-speed lines. Likewise, the maintenance work on the con-
más de 15 años. ventional railway lines and substations in the central (based in
(iii) Medioambiente: Certificación ISO 14001 desde hace más Madrid) and northeast (based in Barcelona) areas.
de 20 años.
Also for Adif, the works for the electrification of the Madrid-
Levante high-speed line, on the stretch to Murcia and the
installation and maintenance of the protection, security and
Description: telecommunications systems in the Pajares tunnel has been
Coxabengoa, a vertically integrated global water and ener- put into service; and we have begun the contract for the re-
gy utility, that applies innovative technological solutions for placement (supply and assembly) of 180km of catenary sup-
sustainable development, through its Infrastructure vertical, port cable to improve the electromechanical efficiency on the
develops the activities of engineering, construction and main- Madrid-High Speed Line (LAV) Barcelona-French Border.
tenance of infrastructure in the energy, industry, environment,
transport and communications sectors, covering the develop- In the United Kingdom, for Network Rail, we have successful-
ment of transmission and distribution lines, railway electrifica- ly completed the commissioning of the control of the discon-
tion, installations and infrastructures for all types of plants and nectors of the Safer Faster Isolations project, and we have re-
buildings, , as well as auxiliary electrical, electronic and steel ceived an extension of work on the project to install harmonic
structures manufacturing. filters in the Bulls Lodge containerized substation Feeder that
will remain pending until the client can confirm power outa-
Management team: ges to complete them.
Coxabengoa President: Enrique Riquelme
Vertical Infrastructure CEO: Pablo Infante Cossío. Likewise, for our client Amey, we have successfully com-
Director of Railway Division: Jose Javier González Solano. pleted the detailed design of 3 different sections of railway
Director of Technical and Engineering Office: Juan Carlos electrification in Wales within the framework of the Wales &
Cortés Rengel. Borders.
Activity: Construction, infrastructures, energy electrificati- In Lithuania, for Lithuanian Railways, we continue with the
on, railway electrification, construction of renewable plants, project of electrification of the Vilnius-Klaipeda railway corri-
electrical and mechanical installations, telecommunications, dor, where notable progress has been made in the execution
signalling, manufacturing of electronics and auxiliary electri- of the project.
cal equipment, manufacturing of metal structures, engineering
and consulting, maintenance. In Saudi Arabia, for the Saudi Railways Organization, the
maintenance of the electrification infrastructure of the Mecca-
Main products and services: Medina high-speed train continues, in which Coxabengoa
Engineering, construction and industrial maintenance of infra- participated as one of the members of the Spanish consortium
structure in the energy, industry, environment, transport and that built the project.
communications sectors: transmission and distribution lines,
railway electrification, installations and infrastructures for all Engineering:
types of plants and buildings, electrical and electronic ancilla-
ry manufacturing and metal structures. The design work that Coxabengoa carries out in the railway
Spanish Railway Yearbook 2024 Anuario del Ferrocarril 333