Page 337 - Anuario FFCC - 2024
P. 337

-Life cycle cost analysis (LCCA)                 Pecal / AQAP 2110 certification for the defense sector and
               -“Business Ingelligence ” tool that will allow you to gather,   certificate of conformity of factory production control for the
               purify, analyze and easily obtain comparisons of data to help   execution of steel structures (CE Certificate).
               make intelligent decisions.                      (ii) Health and Safety: ISO 45001 Certification for more than
                                                                15 years.
               MICRail is a bidirectional tool that involves the workflow from   (iii) Environment: ISO 14001 certification for more than 20   guía de empresas
               the design algorithms to the BIM platform and vice versa.  years.

               The tool has been designed for automated three-dimensional
               design of catenaries and adapted to railway traction substati-
               ons. The software is in the process of progress and is expected
               to be ready during the current year, and is currently in deve-
               lopment and validation testing of the tool.

               Railway rail breakage monitoring and detection system:

               In the last year, Abengoa continues to exploit the results of
               these innovation projects in the railway area, obtaining more   CRÉATE HR
               than satisfactory results. Specifically, Broken Lane is a railway
               rail break detection system that monitors railway infrastructure   Dirección postal / Postal address:
               in real time for conventional or high-speed lines. This system   Calle Astronomía, N.1, Torre 3.
               is unique in the world, and is capable of detecting breaks and   Planta 9ª, Módulo 7 y 8.
               identifying them at their breaking point.                       41015 (Sevilla)
                                                                  Teléfono: +955 887 902 / +652 755 198 / +663 140 283
               The Railway Innovation hub                                 Email:
               Since 2016, Abengoa has collaborated in the development of
               the The Railway Innovation Hub , a railway cluster based in   Equipo directivo:
               Malaga over which Abengoa holds the vice presidency. The   Directora General: Alicia Raigón Pleguezuelos.
               Railway Innovation Hub aims to become a benchmark for rail-
               way innovation both nationally and internationally through   Actividad: Selección y Formación ferroviaria especializada.
               support for the sector and with the support and collaboration
               of its more than 90 associates.                  Principales productos y servicios:
                                                                Créate HR, consultora de formación y selección empresarial
               Among the most significant projects developed by the HUB   y ferroviaria homologada por la Agencia Estatal de Seguridad
               we highlight the following:                      Ferroviaria (AESF) desde 2009, ha sido líder indiscutible en
               -Implementation and standardization of the BIM methodology   el sector durante más de una década. Su principal misión es
               in the railway sector.                           formar y preparar a los mejores profesionales del ámbito fer-
               -Design of the Station of the future             roviario, ofreciendo una amplia gama de cursos y capacita-
               -The implementation of Hydrogen in the railway sector.  ciones tanto presenciales como a distancia, adaptados a las
                                                                necesidades específicas de cada cliente.

               Geographic areas where your products and services are mar-  Especializados en soluciones integrales, Créate HR se destaca
               keted: Spain, United Kingdom, France, Lithuania, rest of Euro-  como un aliado estratégico para sus clientes, proporcionan-
               pe, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates.       do no solo formación, sino también asesoramiento continuo
                                                                y una sólida bolsa de empleo. Su enfoque en la excelencia y
                                                                la innovación se refleja en la calidad de su equipo docente
               Certifications:                                  altamente cualificado, que ofrece programas de capacitación
               Quality and Environment:                         especializados y personalizados, así como preparación para
               (i) Quality: ISO 9001 certification for more than 20 years.   exámenes de oposiciones y formación de maquinistas.

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