Page 338 - Anuario FFCC - 2024
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company guide  Los cursos ofrecidos por Créate HR abarcan diversas áreas,   range of courses and training, both in-person and remotely,

                 desde infraestructuras hasta operaciones de tren, pasando por
                                                                   adapted to the specific needs of each client.
                 electrificación y cursos técnicos para empresas. Esta amplia
                                                                   Specialized in comprehensive solutions, Créate HR stands out
                 oferta formativa garantiza que los profesionales del sector
                                                                   as a strategic ally for its clients, providing not only training,
                 estén debidamente preparados y actualizados para enfrentar
                                                                   but also continuous advice and a solid employment pool. Its
                 los desafíos del entorno ferroviario actual.
                                                                   focus on excellence and innovation is reflected in the quality
                                                                   of its highly qualified teaching team, which offers specialized
                 Más allá de ser un simple intermediario, Créate HR se posi-
                 ciona como un impulsor del desarrollo de la excelencia en
                                                                   competitive examinations and training of machinists.
                 el ámbito ferroviario, contribuyendo al fortalecimiento del
                 transporte nacional y a la eficiencia del sector. Con un firme
                 compromiso con la calidad, la experiencia y la innovación,   and personalized training programs, as well as preparation for
                                                                   The courses offered by Créate HR cover various areas, from
                 Créate HR se esfuerza por impulsar el progreso del sector y   infrastructure to train operations, through electrification and
                 garantizar un futuro robusto y exitoso para la industria fer-  technical courses for companies. This extensive training offer
                 roviaria.                                         guarantees that professionals in the sector are properly prepa-
                                                                   red and updated to face the challenges of the current railway
                 Productos estrella:  FORMACIÓN Y CONSULTORIA DE   environment.
                 SELECCIÓN: 1. Formación específica para el sector ferrovia-
                 rio. 2. Consultoría de selección ferroviaria      Beyond being a simple intermediary, Créate HR positions it-
                                                                   self as a driver of the development of excellence in the railway
                 Áreas geográficas donde comercializa los productos y ser-  field, contributing to the strengthening of national transport
                 vicios:                                           and the efficiency of the sector. With a strong commitment to
                 Además de las instalaciones propias homologadas por todo   quality, expertise and innovation, Créate HR strives to drive
                 el territorio nacional, Créate HR dispone de un acuerdo de   progress in the sector and ensure a robust and successful futu-
                 colaboración con ADIF para uso y cesión de todas sus instala-  re for the railway industry.
                 ciones. Esto les permite adaptarse a las necesidades de sus
                 clientes, tanto en grado formativo como en fechas, horarios y   Top products: TRAINING AND SELECTION CONSULTING:
                 lugares de impartición de los cursos.             1. Specific training for the railway sector. 2. Railway selec-
                                                                   tion consulting.
                 Calidad y Medioambiente:                          Geographic areas where your products and services are mar-
                 ISO 9001:2015 (Sistema de Gestión de Calidad)     In addition to its own facilities approved throughout the na-
                 Certificado otorgado por Intertek                 tional territory, Créate HR has a collaboration agreement with
                                                                   ADIF for the use and transfer of all its facilities. This allows
                 ISO 14001:2015 (Sistema de Gestión medioambiental)  them to adapt to the needs of their clients, both in terms of trai-
                 Certificado otorgado por Intertek                 ning and in dates, times and places of delivery of the courses.

                                                                   Quality and Environment:
                 Management team:
                 CEO: Alicia Raigón Pleguezuelos                   ISO 9001: 2015 (Quality Management System)
                                                                   Certificate issued by Intertek
                 Field: Specialized railway selection and training.
                                                                   ISO 14001: 2015 (Environmental Management System)
                 Main products and services:                       Certificate issued by Intertek
                 Créate HR, a business and railway training and selection con-
                 sultancy approved by the State Railway Safety Agency (AESF)
                 since 2009, has been the undisputed leader in the sector for
                 more than a decade. Its main mission is to train and prepa-
                 re the best professionals in the railway field, offering a wide

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