Page 341 - Anuario FFCC - 2024
P. 341

Innovations:                                     The members that make up the group are Befesa with Waelz
               Research, Development, and Technological Innovation  process ferrosite, FCC with bottom ash from the MSW inci-
                                                                neration, Tubos Reunidos with black steel mill slag, Fuchosa
               CDW. Authorization of a treatment plant in Santa Maria del   with green smelting sands, and CYCASA with revalorized mil-
               Cubillo.                                         ling waste.

               2023-04-10, received Authorization for Exceptional Use of   PRTR PATSYD 22/0032 of the Plan for the Recovery, Trans-  guía de empresas
               Rural Land.                                      formation and Resilience of the Economy, within the support
                                                                program for sustainable transport specifically for the “reno-
               THE TERRITORIAL COMMISSION FOR  THE ENVIRON-     vation and adaptation of resources, machinery to produce
               MENT AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT HEREBY AGREES: TO     sustainable road surfaces: reduction of carbon footprint and
               AUTHORIZE the use requested by CYCASA CANTERAS Y   sound reducers”, the monitoring and control reports of the
               CONSTRUCCIONES, S.A. The expansion of Activities for the   project have been submitted to MITMA (Ministry of Transport
               treatment of Construction and Demolition Waste, CDW, due   and Sustainable Mobility) in the four quarters of 2023.
               to compliance with the current legislation in the field of Urban
               Development.                                     The project has been presented in conjunction with PADE-
                                                                CASA, with an investment of €4,396,723.00 that was subsi-
               2023-04-12, the report of PHASE 1 of this implementation   dized with €1,758,689.20. The most important investments
               is presented in order to Inform the Territorial Environmen-  include the processes of incorporation of RAP into cold recy-
               tal Service of Ávila about the status of the installation of the   cling, with independent weighing of the two fractions of reva-
               Crushing Plant for clean stone CDW and what the PIRCYL   lorized aggregate of the bituminous mixtures, renewal of the
               (Comprehensive Waste Plan of Castile and León) requires for   heat insulation, system of liquid and solid additives, wetting
               the treatment of the selected clean stone waste.  of the filler.

               2023-06-29, visit by a representative of the Territorial Envi-  CYCASA’s investments at the end of 2023 amounted to
               ronmental Service of Ávila in charge of our application, resul-  €1,231,401.99  (excluding VAT) with  a matched  subsidy  of
               ting in a positive inspection.                   €492,560.79.

               2024.02.02, The JCYL (Government of Castile and León) has   Geographic areas where your products and services are mar-
               authorized the organization with NIMA 050000769 for these   keted: Spain.
               activities, with the authorization number of the facility for the
               treatment of non-hazardous waste 07G424050000769. This   Certifications:
               authorizes the management of 21,000 Tn/year of LER Code   Quality, OHS and Environment: Approved as ADIF supplier
               17.05.03 with treatment code R0507 for milling and another   of AVE aggregates. AENOR company registration, UNE-EN-
               27,000 Tn/year of LER codes 17.01.01 (concrete), 17.05.04   ISO 9001-2015 QA standard, UNE-EN-ISO 45001-2018 in
               (earth and stones), 17.05.08 (railway ballast) with treatment   Occupational Health and Safety, Certificate of Registration of
               codes R0506, R1203, and R1301.                   UNE-EN-ISO-14001-2015, Environmental Management Sy-
                                                                stem. Civil and Railway Works, Railway and Roads Service
               It will enable us to reduce environmental impacts, increase   and Maintenance Contracts.
               reserves and consumption of natural aggregates, by incorpo-
               rating CDW into MBs and granular layers, and by integrating   Registration of the equality plan with national labour autho-
               the operation into a circular economy model included in the   rity, 28 March, 2023, with number 012560.
               EU’s 2030 targets.
                                                                Share capital: 3,113,012.00 Euros
               HAZITEK ECO2D4.0 of the Basque Government, in the first
               quarter of 2023, the annuity of the project for the “Experi-
               mental dimensioning of road infrastructures using strategic
               waste, and development of a monitoring and simulation eco-
               system for the selection of sustainable solutions” is approved.
               It was presented with the rest of the members of the group for
               a value of €726,777.46 and approved for €484,313.36.

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