Page 331 - Anuario FFCC - 2024
P. 331
Rail and sleeper replacement works on track 1 between K.P. the provisional dismantling and seating of level crossings and
68/043 and 71/835 and between K.P. 73/330 and 76/760, of the signaling and communications installations.
the Ribaforada-Tudela section. Line 700, Intermodal Abando
Indalecio Prieto-Casetas. Integral replacement of bi-block sleepers with mono-block
The works under this contract affect two sections of 3.8 km sleepers in different sections of the Sevilla-Huelva line, from
and 3.43 km, between the stations of Ribaforada and Tude- kilometer point 26/345 to kilometer point 51/505. guía de empresas
la, on the ADIF’s intermodal Abando Indalecio Prieto-Casetas As the previous one, COSFESA was awarded this contract as
line (line 700 of the G.I.R.N., Bilbao - Casetas), specifically on a part of the process launched by ADIF to renew the sleepers
track 1, between Ribaforada and Tudela. in several sections of the Sevilla-Huelva conventional gauge
The existing RS sleepers and the pre-1973 UIC 54 rail will be line, to increase the reliability of the infrastructure and im-
replaced by mono-block sleepers and new UIC 54 rails. prove the railway connection between the two cities, as well
as on the C5 line of the Seville Commuter Rail, as part of the
Parla Norte New Railway Station (Madrid). investments planned by ADIF for the development of the At-
The purpose of this contract is the construction of the Parla lantic Corridor, in the Trans-European Transport Network.
Norte new train station to provide rail service to this area of The contract will be carried out between Sanlúcar la Mayor
the municipality, with a view to its future expansion, taking and Escacena, along 25.2 km, through the municipalities of
advantage of the existing railway line associated with the C-4 Sanlúcar la Mayor, Benacazón, Huévar del Aljarafe, Aznal-
Suburban Network line. It is intended to develop a railway cázar, Carrión de los Céspedes and Castilleja del Campo, in
station that integrates communication with the future stop of the province of Sevilla; and Escacena del Campo, in the pro-
the nearby urban tram. vince of Huelva. The works involves replacing RS bi-block
The construction of a passenger building consisting of three sleepers by PR-VE mono-block sleepers, supplying the neces-
attached one-story volumes (885.84 m2), visually unified by a sary ballast, raising, leveling, and aligning the track with hea-
canopy made with structural metal ribs and tubular Y-shaped vy machinery, profiling the track, as well as the provisional
pillars is included. Two platforms will be built, one on each dismantling and seating of level crossings and the signaling
side of the 210 m long railway platform, 110 m covered by a and communications installations.
metal canopy and an underpass for communication between
platforms through under-track jacking, service connections Track renovation works at the La Negrilla Logistics Center.
and urbanization. To adapt the current train track to the new The purpose of this contract is to improve the terminal’s
station, considering its curved layout, it will be necessary to performance by renewing the track equipment of the gene-
make track cannot changes along 938 m and modifications to ral tracks (tracks 1 and 2), the reception and shipping tracks
the electrification and CMS system, to adjust them to the new (tracks 4, 6 and 8), the M2 and the warehouse and platform
configuration and use of the track. areas tracks (28, 30, 32, 34 and 36).
Tracks will be completely renovated through the extension of
Integral replacement of bi-block sleepers with mono-block a layer of sub-ballast, the replacement of the existing ballast
sleepers in different sections of the Sevilla-Huelva line. From with a new type 1 ballast and the installation of new PR-VE
kilometer point 65/680 to kilometer point 96/287. monobloc sleepers and 54 E1 rail. Maintenance actions are
COSFESA was awarded this contract as a part of the process carried out on the existing type A switches and the replace-
launched by ADIF to renew the sleepers in several sections of ment with new types C1/C switches in the general tracks.
the Sevilla-Huelva conventional gauge line, to increase the Tracks 34 and 36 will be adapted to comply with the uni-
reliability of the infrastructure and improve the railway con- form gauge, improving the drainage of the station through new
nection between the two cities, as well as on the C5 line of ditches and drains and the existing affected services will be
the Seville Commuter Rail, as part of the investments planned adapted too.
by ADIF for the development of the Atlantic Corridor, in the
Trans-European Transport Network. Consolidation of infrastructure because of January 2023 rain-
The contract will be carried out between Escacena and San storms in Galicia. Lines 800, 810 and 820. Lot 2: Actions on
Juan del Puerto, along 30.6 km, through the municipalities of the Salvaterra-O Porriño section. Line 810.
La Palma del Condado, Villarrasa, Niebla, San Juan del Puerto COSFESA carries out emergency works such as under this
and Trigueros, in the province of Huelva. The works involves contract, consisting of several actions on the Salvaterra de
replacing RS bi-block sleepers by PR-VE mono-block sleepers, Miño-Guillarei and Guillarei-O Porriño sections, belonging to
supplying the necessary ballast, raising, leveling, and aligning the line 810, Monforte de Lemos-Bifurcación Chapela, due
the track with heavy machinery, profiling the track, as well as to the multiple incidents that took place on 1 January 2023
Spanish Railway Yearbook 2024 Anuario del Ferrocarril 329