Page 325 - Anuario FFCC - 2024
P. 325

Modernization of the Western Line, Mira Sintra / Meleças –   vement actions and investment in assets, in a 276 km length
               Caldas da Rainha section, between km 20+320 and 107+740.   of single track. It also includes pre-maintenance on non-ope-
               Subsection B: Torres Vedras-Caldas da Rainha. Portugal.  rational sections where the track has already been assembled.
               The main actions are the rectification of some curves on the
               railway layout, the electrification of the line, and interventi-  > Metro and Metropolitan Infrastructures
               ons in 6 stations and 3 halts, with the creation of passenger                                     guía de empresas
               docks with minimum lengths of 150 m and technical rooms to   Metro of Madrid maintenance. Spain. Maintenance works
               accommodate the command and control equipment for circu-  consist amongst others in the replacement of track devices,
               lation and telecommunications.                   substitution of current slab track system for a new one, rail and
                                                                sleepers renewal and geometric corrections on the track. All
               Modernisation of the Mira Sintra-Meleças-Torres Vedras sec-  works executed in various lines in operation until 2025. The
               tion of the Linha do Oeste. Portugal.            scope of this maintenance service covers approximately 35%
               Renovation of 43.4 km including the construction of 2 railway   of the Madrid Metro network.
               turnouts with a total length of 16 km, improvement works at
               stations and halts, reorganisation of level crossings and over-  Track renewal on Line 1 of Metro de Madrid. Section: Sol-
               passes, complete electrification of the section and installation   Atocha. Spain.
               of electronic signalling and telecommunications.  Replacement of the current track superstructure of ballast and
                                                                sleepers, and of the concrete platform with elastic and rigid
               Maintenance of the North, Central and Southern regions of   blocks, with slab track, optimising the layout and geometry
               conventional links in Spain. The service comprises the main-  and improving the drainage system and the noise and vibrati-
               tenance of infrastructure, tracks and switches of 8.800 km of   on attenuation systems.
               conventional lines in the north, central and southern part of
               Spain.                                           Adaptation of the Mondego Mobility System in Coimbra to a
                                                                BRT-Metrobus solution. Coimbra B - Portagem section. Por-
               Maintenance of the infrastructure and tracks of the Madrid-  tugal.
               Barcelona-Frontera Francesa HSL Lot 2. Spain.    Execution of the route of the Metrobus channel and surroun-
               The aim of the contract is to propose to the client the planning   ding streets in a section of 1.8 km, which is mainly developed
               and execution of the following activities: preventive mainte-  on the existing railway platform.
               nance of the infrastructure track, track devices and buildings,
               corrective maintenance (attention to incidents and application   Construction of the machinery pool and offices of the Mon-
               of contingency plans of the client), and improvement actions   dego Mobility System (Coimbra). Portugal.
               and investment in assets, in a 317 km length of double track
               section.                                         Rubí Line of the Porto Metro. New metro line with a length of
                                                                6.3 kilometres, extending between the Casa da Música (Porto)
               Maintenance of the infrastructure, tracks and track devices   and Santo Ovídio (Vila Nova de Gaia) stations. It includes the
               of the Madrid-Sevilla and Córdoba-Málaga HSL Lots 2 &3.   construction of three above-ground stations, five underground
               Spain.                                           stations, a car park for 500 vehicles, the connection with the
               The aim of the contract is to propose to the client the planning   Devesas railway station, as well as the construction of several
               and execution of the following activities: preventive mainte-  viaducts and subways for vehicles and people. A highlight of
               nance of the infrastructure track, track devices and buildings,   the project is the construction of a new bridge over the Douro
               corrective maintenance (attention to incidents and application   River, which will be called “Ferreirinha”.
               of contingency plans of the client), and improvement actions
               and investment in assets, in a 432 km length of double track   Certifications:
               section.                                         Quality System Certificate: AENOR Certificate for ISO-9001
                                                                (since 1994).
               Maintenance and pre-maintenance of infrastructure, track   Certificate of the Environmental Management System: AENOR
               and track devices on the Plasencia-Badajoz high-speed rail-  Certificate for ISO-14001 (since 1999).
               way line. Spain.                                 Occupational Risk Prevention Certificate: ISO 45001:2018
               Preventive maintenance of infrastructure, track, track devices   since 2019 (previously from 2014 to 2019 certificate OHSAS
               and buildings, corrective maintenance (attention to incidents   18.001:2007).
               and application of contingency plans of the client), and impro-

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