Page 325 - Anuario FFCC - 2023
P. 325
Being aware of the Digital Transformation challenge, we promote rest of the circulations), as well as the stations served.
the digitization of Transport to achieve more sustainable, safe,
reliable, and accessible mobility and infrastructure. Innovation The availability of advanced simulation tools makes it possible
and technology are the keys to design customised solutions, to analyse in an integrated way the set of factors that determine
adapted to the needs of each project. That is why we are the circulation of trains, obtaining as a result a series of values
committed to the use of BIM methodology, which allows us to that make it possible to characterize with a high degree of
achieve optimum data management throughout the entire life accuracy and in advance, the current and future capacity of the guía de empresas
cycle of an infrastructure. scenario and the way in which the operation of the service will
be carried out, quantifying its main benefits.
Innovation remains one of the pillars of our activity. Currently
Consultrans leads a research project for the development of
switches and crossings degradation models, analysis of their life Geographic areas where your products and services are
cycle and implementation in the Asset Management Platform of marketed:
Adif. Together with Antonio Nebrija University, CSIC (Consejo Europe, America, Middle East, and Africa.
Superior de Investigaciones Científicas) and the Institute of
Applied Electromagnetism, the research project will be carried
out for two years since 2021. Certifications:
The aim will be to analyse the current switches and crossings Quality, Environmental and Health & Safety Management:
installed in the Adif railway network, to identify their current UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015, UNE-EN ISO 14001:2015 e ISO
status, as well as their potential damage. This is intended to 45001:2018.
improve the maintenance of these switches and crossings
during their period of operation. Process management for Software development: ISO/IEC
15504 (SPICE).
During the research, models will be made considering the
vehicle-track interaction. With these models, it will be possible
to identify the forces that occur during train traffic and the Turnover: 12.695.819 €
fatigue of the switches and crossing’s elements (switch rail, No. of employees: 120
stock rails, check rail, crossing, drives, switch rail detectors, Share capital: 60,101.21 €
bolts, among others).
With this models’ results, it is intended to identify the possible
failure modes, considering the observed forces and the
corresponding fatigue of the materials.
The customization of these results will allow their
implementation in Adif’s Asset Management Platform, and thus
predict the evolution of future states of the track elements and
determine homogeneous maintenance criteria together with CONVENSA,
renovation plans, optimizing economically the life cycle cost
(LCC) of the switches and crossings. CONTRATAS Y VENTAS
Hand in hand with Adif also and together with DUPLO, we Avda. del Camino de Santiago, 40
carried out the capacity and operation study of the Oviedo- E-28050 Madrid, España
Gijón, Villabona-Avilés and Oviedo-Pola de Lena railway lines. Tel.: +34 91 757 28 00
The purpose of the study is to analyse the current and future
operating capacities and conditions of these lines and
to describe the level of performance of the new services Otras direcciones:
through simulation, based on the main starting data provided Avda. de Santander, 3 -1º
(corridor, rolling stock and modes of operation) and timetable E-33001 Oviedo. Asturias. España
assumptions (cadencing for commuter and commercial for the
Spanish Railway Yearbook 2023 Anuario del Ferrocarril 323