Page 324 - Anuario FFCC - 2023
P. 324
company guide implementing several enhancements of the bank of questions establishment of a railway network in the Kurdistan Region
and practical cases of professional competence, as well as
(Iraq), awarded by the Ministry of Construction and Housing
of Kurdistan (MOCAH).
exams’ management and their electronic execution.
This study, which considers the implementation of several rail
In addition to the above, other improvements are already under
way in the processing of files and management of courses and
corridors, with a total length of approximately 1,100 km, will
allow to establish excellent connections for the transport of
exams to obtain the CAP (Certificate of Professional Aptitude),
with the intention of making more effective the management
goods mainly and passengers, between main cities, such as
Erbil and Sulaymaniyah, connecting with other parts within the
of CAP training by the different agents involved (training
companies, professional drivers, and public administration).
transit between neighbouring countries.
Likewise, Consultrans leads the optimization of applications
for the processing of transport authorization files and the region and the rest of Iraq, and playing an important role of
There are currently no railway infrastructures or reference
management of notifications and electronic communications, projects in the region, so this project is a historic milestone that
to make it easier both, to the citizen and to the different bodies will lay the foundations for the future implementation of the
responsible for its management. railway in Kurdistan and for its socio-economic development.
- Uganda As an important part of the project, a demand and traffic
study is being drafted, which is supported by traffic gauging
2022 has been a year of consolidation of our team in Uganda. data and surveys, both of roadside freight traffic, and of the
Two of the three main projects have already been completed: main industries throughout the Kurdistan Region. This will
the design of the new transport terminal in Kampala and allow a very accurate model of current demand (passengers
the technical design for the rehabilitation of the Kampala- and freight) of international and regional flows, to estimate
Namamve and Tororo-Malava lines. The Capacity Building potential demand and assess the socio-economic and financial
project for Ugandan operator URC will continue until 2025. profitability of the future rail network.
HUB de Kampala Likewise, a large part of the routes of the lines considered have
been developed, proposing a technical solution for the railway
The new passenger and freight interchange center integrates a network and that serves as the basis for the operations plan
bus station with 24 docks, bus rapid rail (BRT), 8 platforms for and the environmental and social impact studies. Similarly,
commuter trains, regional trains, long distance and light rail with the complete definition of the routes, the tunnels, viaducts
transport (LRT). and main necessary infrastructures have been determined that,
together with the definition of the stations and intermodal
Its construction will improve the image of the city, providing connections, maintenance workshops and train propulsion
it with a new gateway to its visitors, thanks to the integration of system, will lead to the estimation of the construction costs of
the road network of the new station with the city of Kampala. All the railway infrastructure included in CAPEX
this within the framework of urban development that includes a
commercial area, housing, hotels, and various businesses. -Mexico We carry out the executive project, international advice and
associated specialized technical support for the design, supply
Design of the Sleepers factory and execution of the type C-350 Catenary Electrification System
adapted for Section 4 of the Mayan Train (Izamal-Cancun).
The factory located in Lugazi will produce 208 sleepers/day,
necessary for the renovation of the Kampala-Namanve-Mukono The route of the Mayan Train covers 5 Mexican states covering
section. In total there will be 47,180 prestressed sleepers of 1,554 km and will consist of 19 stations, having divided
reinforced concrete and metric gauge for UIC-54 rail, whose the construction into 7 sections. At the Escárcega station,
manufacture is part of a project that undoubtedly constitutes a in Campeche, sections 1 and 7 join, closing the ring that
railway reference for the entire African continent. surrounds the Yucatan Peninsula. Mixed traffic, passenger and
freight is expected.
In 2022 we have carried out the feasibility study for the Innovations:
322 Anuario del Ferrocarril 2023 Spanish Railway Yearbook