Page 329 - Anuario FFCC - 2023
P. 329
Construcción del parque de material y oficinas del > Railways
Sistema de movilidad del Mondego (Coimbra, Portugal).
Mediterranean Corridor of High Speed Line between
Certificaciones: Murcia and Almería. Nijar-Río Andarax section. Civil
Certificado del sistema de Calidad: Certificado AENOR works. Spain.
para ISO-9001 (desde 1994). The project is a 25.5 km long section that belongs to guía de empresas
Certificado del sistema de Gestión Medioambiental: the HSL Murcia-Almería in Spain. It runs between the
Certificado AENOR para ISO-14001 (desde 1999). towns of Níjar and Almería, and involves the execution of
Certificado de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales: ISO earthworks, 16 viaducts, an 880 meters bored tunnel, 56
45001:2018 desde 2019 (anteriormente desde 2014 a culverts for drainage, 9 underpasses and 4 overpasses. The
2019 certificado OHSAS 18.001:2007). viaduct over the Andarax River, with 1.414 m long stands
out in this project.
Mediterranean Corridor of High Speed Line between
Description: Murcia-Almería. Totana-Lorca section. Railway
Convensa, a railworks company substructure and civil works. Spain.
Convensa, Contratas y Ventas, is a company focused in The project consists in the construction of a new 7.6
the execution of railway works. His extensive experience km of double-track high-speed line, including the
of more than 50 years in this sector, along with a large earthworks, the construction of 1 viaduct, 5 overpasses
railway machinery plant and an exceptional human and and 1 underpass, a new station in Lorca-San Diego, the
technical team formed by great professionals, allows the expansion of La Hoya Station and a large amount of utility
Company to address with full success any railway project. relocation works.
Convensa is part of the FCC Group. This let the Company
have a remarkable technological and financial capacity Mediterranean Corridor of High Speed Line Murcia-
among the railway construction companies, assuring Almería section. Totana-Totana-subsection. Civil works.
success in all its actions. Spain.
The project is a 9,93 km long section that belongs to
Management team: the HSL Murcia-Almería. It involves the execution of
President: José Antonio Madrazo Salas. Managing earthworks, 6 viaducts (one 954 m long over a highway),
Director: Pedro Cavero de Pablo. 4 overpasses and 2 underpasses and the construction of a
new station in the municipality of Totana.
Main products and services:
Railway projects: infrastructure, track assembly, stations, Valladolid Railway Network. East Section. Civil and
maintenance, metropolitan lines, trams, metric gauge track works. Spain. It comprises a total of 17.5 km, with
lines and private lines. 2 branches in the initial section and two provisional links
with the current route at the beginning and end of the
Top products: INFRASTRUCTURE: 1. Mediterranean section. A variant in Iberian gauge will be developed,
Corridor of High Speed Line Murcia-Almería tranche. mainly for the transport of freights, on which will be
Totana-Totana-Section. Civil works. TRACK: 2. Track located a New Railway Complex. The layout with
renewal on Line 1 of Metro de Madrid. Section: Sol- design speed of 160 kph, runs on the surface along
Atocha. 3. Adaptation of the Mondego Mobility System its entire length except in 2 km in which the line runs
(Coimbra, Portugal) to a BRT-Metrobus solution. Coimbra underground. The typical section of the trace is suitable
B - Portagem section. 4. Complete track renovation on for a double Iberian gauge track with an entree of 4.0
the Gijón-Laviana section of the metric gauge network m. In terms of structures, the section includes 1 viaduct,
in Asturias. 5 underpasses, 8 overpasses and a pedestrian walkway.
The most unique structure is Los Tramposos viaduct that
Activities in the year: crosses the N-601 road, with a total length of 1,130.5
Below, a choice of some projects under execution.
Track assembly of the Leon junction. Spain.
The track assembly in this project will give continuity to
Spanish Railway Yearbook 2023 Anuario del Ferrocarril 327