Page 320 - Anuario FFCC - 2023
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company guide Áreas geográficas donde comercializa los productos y Railways Corporation in Kampala. Also, we currently develop
servicios: Europa, América, Oriente Medio y África.
the Feasibility study for the establishment of Railway Network
in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and in Mexico, carrying out the
Catenary Electrification System works for Section 4 of the big
Calidad, Medio Ambiente y Seguridad y Salud: UNE-EN ISO
project Mayan Train.
9001:2015, UNE-EN ISO 14001:2015 e ISO 45001:2018.
This year it has been a great satisfaction to receive the Agustín
de Betancourt International Public Works Award 2021,
Gestión de procesos para el desarrollo del Software: ISO/IEC
awarded by the College of Engineers, Channels and Ports, to
15504 (SPICE).
and coordinator of the 12 Spanish companies and 2 Saudi
Facturación: 12.695.819 euros
companies that make up the AlShoula Consortium until the
Nº de empleados: 120
Capital social: 60.101,21 euros the Meca Medina Consortium. Consultrans was the promoter
award of the project, known as Haramain, of more than 7,000
million dollars. It is the project executed by Spanish companies
with the largest volume in history.
Management team: This Consortium brings together all the expertise around
Chairman: Julián García Valverde. each of the subsystems of a complete high-speed railway,
General Manager: Antonio Vilchez. including track construction, electrification, signalling and
Head of Technical Assistance: Raúl Sánchez telecommunications, operation control centres, supply of
Head of Transports: Daniel Esteban rolling stock and operation and maintenance of the service.
Head of Railway Infrastructures: Eduardo Laureano We can say, therefore, that the result is the sum of the best
Country Manager (Chile): Omar Sáez of Spanish companies at the service of world High Speed. A
Country Manager (Uganda): Paul Power High Speed that celebrated thirty years since its beginnings in
Country Manager (Arabia): Javier Cruz Spain. Our president, Julián García Valverde, attended the
Country Manager (Mexico): Daniel Esteban XV International Conference on High Speed Engineering held
Strategic Projects Director: Susana Menéndez del Valle in Córdoba. In the course of them, we were able to witness
Head of Technology: Victoria Mariño an interesting talk between José Barrionuevo Peña, former
Head of Digital Transformation: Mónica Barrera Minister of Transport, and Julián, who was then president of
RENFE, telling in true detail how was the decision process of
Activity: the birth of the High Speed in Spain with the Madrid-Seville
Consultrans ( is a Spanish company AV; a very brave decision, ahead for its time that, after thirty
founded in 1985, with an international presence, specialized years, is irrefutable, and has been vital to promote a complete
in creating innovative solutions for all modes of transport, road, transformation of the Spanish railway system.
maritime, air and rail transport, both passenger and freight, for
public or private clients. At the international level, we attended the second edition
of the Uganda-European Union Business Forum, to defend
As a differentiating competitive element, we combine the sustainability in transport, the key role of rail in the development
knowledge of planning and engineering, with our experience of Uganda and the importance of defining a long-term vision
in Transport technologies, offering end-to-end solutions that strategy for the investments being made in the region.
cover the entire life cycle of an infrastructure project, from the
analysis of demand forecasting and feasibility, to the project Software development for Transport is another of the pillars
office and of course the commissioning and maintenance. of our main activity. We are leaders in the development of
customized systems for transport inspection applications on
- Railway: Having a special vocation, commitment, and interest the tachograph, with products such as LECTODIS, INSTAC or
in the railway world, our passion for the Railway sector is WEBTAC.
inherited from a long and successful professional track record
of the company’s management team of Grupo Imathia Global. Main products and services:
This commitment has driven us to take part in railway flagship - Multimodal transport, demand and mobility studies for
projects at Spanish and international level, as the High Speed passengers and freight, logistic studies, strategic transport
Railway line between the Holy cities of Mecca and Medina studies for public and private institutions related to railways,
in Saudi Arabia (Haramain Project), or Gran Concepción in ports, roads, and airports.
Chile or more recently the Capacity Building for Ugandan - Urban mass transit systems (metro, tram, and BRT) including
318 Anuario del Ferrocarril 2023 Spanish Railway Yearbook