Page 323 - Anuario FFCC - 2023
P. 323

audit reports were corrected, being now in the approval phase.
               The new CTC will mean an improvement in FGV’s service
               coverage through the optimization of processes, and   Improvement  of  accessibility  and  connectivity  of  public
               homogenization in the use of management tools and   transport stops to promote the implementation of low
               collaboration with those responsible for the facilities, in the   emission zones in the cities of Vigo, Pontevedra and Orense,
               coordination of activities.                       with Next Generation Funds
                                                                                                                 guía de empresas
               In addition, an improvement in quality and technification will   We actively collaborate in improving the accessibility and
               be achieved in the provision of services to its customers and   sustainable mobility of urban transport in Galicia, planning the
               an increase in efficiency, by facilitating actions to save on   best location and design for more than 350 bus stops.
               operating costs.
                                                                 The works are developed in all areas, with the implementation
               Drafting  of  the  Construction  Project  of  the  improvement   of new canopies, sidewalks, and signage, adapting pedestrian
               actions in the surroundings of the Jaén station.  itineraries to people with disabilities according to current
                                                                 regulations and ensuring minimum wedge lengths so that buses
               In collaboration with the City Council of Jaén, we will   can access the stops in optimal safety conditions.
               promote the integration of the train station with the city,
               improving accessibility for travelers arriving on foot or by   TECHNOLOGY
               road. In a complementary way, we will carry out the study and
               rehabilitation of the existing underpass in Fuerte del Rey street,   This year our Technology department has been accepted as
               the current limit of the urban area.              a certified supplier by Metro de Madrid, as it meets all the
                                                                 conditions required to be one of its technological collaborators
               Both actions will result in the optimization of mobility and   of reference in the development of software and implementation
               communications within the city of Jaén.           of systems, which result in the improvement of service and the
                                                                 optimization of mobility.
               TRANSPORT: We resume our activity in road projects with the
               help of our new director Daniel Esteban, as well as undertake   Services will be developed within the recently signed
               sustainable mobility actions                      framework agreement over the next two years.

               Project for the Layout and Construction of the N-232 Road   Reading and analysis of analogue tachographs and digital files,
               from Vinaroz to Santander (PK 368+500 to 373+100). Section:   driver cards and digital tachograph vehicle units
               Variant of Villar de Arnedo (La Rioja).
                                                                 It is  a privilege  for us  to see  that, over  the  years, our team
               This project is part of the improvement actions of one of the   continues to be trusted to perform this key task in road safety.
               most important road cross-cutting axes in Spain, the Vinaroz-
               Santander. The objective is to design the duplication of the   We continue with a lot of desire to continue betting on
               existing road during the 7 km in length, as it passes through the   excellence in our daily work, the training of our teams, and
               municipality of Villar de Arnedo, allowing maximum speeds of   the seriousness required in the execution of a project like this
               120 km / h through a road with 2 roads of 7 m, external verges   for the Catalan Administration and many others in our country.
               of 2.5 m and variable median, which is intended to reduce
               traffic in the urban area,  as well as the capture of long-distance
               traffic for users who wish to avoid the AP-68 toll motorway.   urn:li:activity:6996491344571437060
               All this will help improve mobility and quality of life, as well
               as road safety, not only for residents but also for La Rioja in   eGoverment systems development for the Dirección General
               general. From the environmental point of view, and aligned   de Transportes.
               with the values of Consultrans, special attention is paid to
               minimizing environmental effects considering, among others,   This year Consultrans has continued to work closely with the
               measures such as the design of the special passage for deer   DGTT to improve the applications that manage training in the
               and large mammals, which is colloquially called “highway for   field of land transport, as well as road transport authorizations.
                                                                 The way in which the exams will be conducted to obtain
               In the last part of the year, the Layout Project was delivered, and   the title of professional competence changes, has become
               the indications contained in the road safety supervision and   conducted electronically. Consultrans optimizes the UX

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