Page 321 - Anuario FFCC - 2023
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technical feasibility studies, design, and construction projects, End of the Study and Economic Evaluation of Improvement
sustainable mobility. of the Branch between the Arenal Station and the Port of San
- Strategic maritime plans; port and coast engineering. Vicente, Puertos de Talcahuano.
- Railway and road infrastructure engineering of high speed/
conventional lines and hubs/ junctions. The Consultrans-CDI consortium has carried out this study with
- Design and calculation of structures (viaducts, underground the aim of optimizing the rail mode of freight in the section of
constructions, special building ...); geotechnical and tunnels El Arenal Station, with the interior of the port area of Puertos guía de empresas
engineering. de Talcahuano.
- Technical assistance, inspection and management of major
infrastructure works. The Port of San Vicente has land accessibility through rail and
- Transport software design and development, system integration road connectivity. The latter has a strategic position to give
and technology consultancy. access to export and import products from the south central
- Management and consultancy of R&D Projects. zone of Chile, especially considering that Concepción is an
important city within the Andean country, which makes it an
Top products: ENGINEERING AND CONSULTING: 1. attractive pole of marketing and distribution.
Feasibility study for the establishment of Railway Network
in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. ELECTRIFICATION 2. At the time of executing the project, the first thing was to
Electrification Section IV Mayan Train – Mexico. validate the scenario proposed in its previous stage, to later
develop the preliminary draft of measures to be implemented
Activities in the year: and generate the social and private evaluation of the selected
- Arabia alternatives at the prefeasibility level.
Construction works on the Mecca City Bus Depot complex for All of the above will allow Empresa Portuaria Talcahuano-
Modern Bus Company (MBC), have finished. San Vicente to continue with the next stages of the project,
to best meet the cargo demand forecast for the coming years
The complex is located on the south of the city, 10 km from and continue with the development of port and logistics
the centre. It has an area of 120,000 m2 that accommodates infrastructure and technology, and thus achieve efficient and
400 vehicles (expandable to 1,000 in a second phase) that will competitive levels of services, in coordination with the public-
serve the 12 bus lines planned for cover almost the entire city. private value chain.
The launch of the third pilot phase of the public transport Basic engineering, civil works and railway systems for metro
project coincided with the Hajj season. From Consultrans we extension Valparaíso to Quillota and Calera, EFE
were direct actors as designers and technical assistance during
the construction of the new Depot Bus complex, heart of In May, Chile’s Environmental Assessment Service, SEA,
the new public transport system of the city, which divides its declared admissible our Environmental Impact Study for the
facilities between buildings for fleet maintenance (gas station, Extension of the Train to Quillota, La Cruz and La Calera, which
preventive maintenance workshop, washing, cleaning, general we developed as part of the Consultrans-CDI consortium for
maintenance workshop, as well as covered docks for 40% Empresa de los Ferrocarriles del Estado.
of vehicles). At an administrative and operational level, the
complex will be directed from the Control Centre, also having This allows us to start the formal evaluation process of this great
a building for driver training. project that continues to advance in the Valparaíso region, with
26 km of tracks, 5 new stations and 15 new trains.
The development of this infrastructure will extend the
- Chile connectivity and environmental advantages of the train to
the beneficiary population. The operation of the service will
Among the actions that demonstrate our firm commitment to allow significant savings in travel times and greater safety in the
the Andean country, we have completed one year since our movements of all passengers.
entry into the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Chile
(CAMACOES). After our official presentation in March, we have - Spain
been able to share experiences with the rest of the Spanish
companies that work for the progress of Transports in Chile, TECHNICAL ASSISTANCES: we reinforced the area with the
carrying out different projects: incorporation of a new director, Raúl Sánchez, who is in charge
Spanish Railway Yearbook 2023 Anuario del Ferrocarril 319