Page 392 - Anuario FFCC - 2024
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company guide It is also IRIS (International Railway Industry Standard) certi- of both investment in R&D&I and its open innovation model,
fied according to ISO 22163, which accredits the maximum
which has Spanish and European certifications accrediting its
competence and value contribution. In the EU Industrial R&D
quality and safety of its railway products based on the most
Investment Scoreboard ranking, Indra is one of the Spanish
demanding standards in the sector.
companies in the software and computer services sector in Eu-
rope that invests the most in R&D&I. Also, within the Horizon
Star products: INFRASTRUCTURE: 1. Open Digital Signal-
ling. OTHERS: 2. Smart Ticketing Solutions. 3. Integrated
2020 Innovation Framework Programme (H2020), Indra is the
sales platform for operators.
Spanish company with the highest economic return obtained
Activities throughout the year:
The company is a member of the highest governing body of
Indra’s activity in the railway sector focuses on four main pil-
lars: and the second on a European level.
Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking (EU-Rail), Europe’s largest
rail innovation programme, which drives the digitisation and
(1) Optimisation and operational safety, covering all areas sustainability of the sector. With a budget of €1.2 billion,
of operation, from planning to maintenance, complying with Europe’s Rail is part of the new European Innovation Frame-
the highest safety standards, and promoting interoperability work Programme, Horizon Europe, and continues the work
to reduce operating costs, maximise capacities and optimise carried out in the previous railway innovation programme,
processes. Shift2Rail, in which Indra was already part of the highest
(2) Comprehensive passenger management, promoting an governing body and within which it has played a very im-
intermodal public transport with solutions adapted to passen- portant role, participating in more than 20 projects. With the
gers’ needs that accompany them at all stages of the journey, new programme, the company will participate in the develop-
thereby favouring a global user experience. ment of new large-scale solutions with the participation of a
(3) Interoperability of goods, through specific solutions for large number of stakeholders to be implemented in different
the planning and management of freight transport services, European countries. CyberRail IoT, satellite ERTMS, big data,
allowing full physical and document trackability of cargo and artificial intelligence, digital twins, smart maintenance and
facilitating the service offered by logistics operators. intelligent platforms are the main technologies and solutions
(4) Sustainability and innovation, to generate spaces for co- that Indra will address in these developments.
creation that promote the development of innovation projects
and new business models. Indra also offers strategic solutions Within the framework of the previous initiative, Shift2Rail, In-
for the long-term efficiency and sustainability of the railway dra participated in several of the programmes that are part of
business. it. Under the IP4 programme, focused on improving the pas-
senger experience, Indra headed the ticketing and interopera-
Indra’s technology has already modernised railway infrastruc- bility areas, and participated in the replication of a Mobility
ture in countries such as Spain, United Kingdom, Turkey, Esto- as a Service (MaaS) ecosystem at a European level in relevant
nia, Latvia, Lithuania, Australia, USA, Argentina, Colombia, projects such as CONNECTIVE, MaaSive and ExtenSive, who-
Chile, China, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Morocco and se developments have been tested with pilots in real environ-
Ireland. On the latter, it will manage one of the most signi- ments in several European cities. These developments in IP4
ficant ticketing projects in the world, which encompasses the continue to progress within EU-Rail, with the aim of proving
country’s entire public transport fare collection system. It is the viability of a Europe-wide MaaS ecosystem that redefines
also worth highlighting Indra’s role as a benchmark techno- the way in which different modes of transport and mobility
logy provider within the Spanish consortium in the Mecca- services are accessed and managed
Medina HSR project in Saudi Arabia.
Regarding signalling, communications and automation of rail-
More than 100 cities around the world have already chosen way systems, Indra has worked within the X2RAIL projects
Indra’s solutions to improve their urban mobility and trans- of the IP2 programme, and in the digitisation and optimisa-
port, including cities such as London, Amsterdam, Sydney, tion of freight transport through projects such as FR8RAIL-III
Madrid, Lisbon, Dublin, Riyadh and Manila. within IP5. This work focused on the development of new
technologies and solutions that promote the modernisation
Innovations: and progress of the railway in order to optimise the capacity
Innovation at Indra is the fundamental pillar of its strategy. It of the lines, their operation and maintenance, applying IoT,
is one of the leading innovation companies in Europe in terms blockchain, AI and 5G technologies. Its developments in the
390 Anuario del Ferrocarril 2024 Spanish Railway Yearbook