Page 388 - Anuario FFCC - 2024
P. 388

company guide  the Madrid Norte Complex has made significant progress. We   We have continued to work on opening the Iraqi market, ex-

                 are pleased to report that the workshop hall is already 100%
                                                                   ploring other international markets and developing new strate-
                                                                   gic alliances to expand our operations. In particular:
                 finished. With continued and sustained progress on the rest of
                                                                   We are currently collaborating with the Iraqi Ministry of
                 the facilities, we estimate to complete and deliver the work
                                                                   Transport in the definition of a PPP project for the construc-
                 fully completed by June 2024. This breakthrough reaffirms our
                 commitment to excellence and the ability to meet deadlines
                                                                   tion of a new high-speed corridor between the holy cities of
                                                                   Karbala and Najaf.
                 on high-scale projects.
                 In 2023 we have successfully advanced in the Maintenance
                                                                   During 2024 we will carry out the design of a 36 km long
                 Service of the Electrical Installations of the ADIF-Alta Velo-
                                                                   manch, whose works will begin in early 2025.
                 cidad Telecommunications Parks in various provinces. This
                 project  is essential to  ensure  the  efficiency  and  security  of
                 high-speed telecommunications infrastructures. Thanks to our   double-track section between the towns of Basra and Sala-
                                                                   Geographic areas where products and services are marketed:
                 specialized team and the implementation of state-of-the-art   From the beginning, Imathia Construcción has been clear
                 maintenance practices, we are ensuring the continuity and   about its vocation for the export of our experience and ca-
                 reliability of these critical services.           pabilities and during the last few years we have closed col-
                 In 2023, the work of emptying, containment and execution   laborations with companies from other countries and we are
                 of the structure up to ground level of the residential building   immersed in several bidding processes in Saudi Arabia, Iraq,
                 at Calle Hermosilla 47, Madrid, was successfully started and   Uganda and Chile.
                 completed. This project has been a technical challenge that
                 we have overcome thanks to our experience and a highly qua-  The expansion policy has been based on the creation of Tem-
                 lified team. Not only does the work comply with all quality   porary Unions and Consortia in which we can combine our
                 and safety standards, but it has also been executed within the   knowledge and experiences of high technological level with
                 established deadline, demonstrating our ability to manage and   the knowledge of the environment of local partners and the
                 complete complex projects in urban environments.  specialization of international companies.
                 In 2023, the “06/10 Bajo Iregua Outfall Project” in La Rio-
                 ja has progressed successfully. This critical project for the   Certifications:
                 region’s water infrastructure has been managed accurately   Quality, Environment and Health & Safety:
                 and efficiently. Through meticulous planning and the use of   ISO 9001 Quality, ISO 14001 Environment and Occupational
                 advanced technologies,                            Risk Prevention OHSAS 18.001.
                 At the end of 2023, we were awarded the first phase of the   During 2023, we continue to work with PMI (Project Ma-
                 rail access branch project to the New Cadiz Container Ter-  nagement Institute) standards and procedures to improve the
                 minal. This project is crucial to improve the connectivity and   quality of our services and adjust them to international uses.
                 efficiency of freight transport in the region. With a focus on   Likewise, we have developed a deep and global digitalization
                 accuracy and quality, we have started the works in January   process that covers all the company’s departments.
                 2024 and estimate to complete them in May 2025. This pro-
                 ject reinforces our expertise in railway infrastructure and our   Billing: IMATHIA Global forecast in 2024, €82,500,000
                 commitment to the sustainable and efficient development of   No. of Employees: 228
                 transport networks.
                 In 2023, the manufacture of sleepers for the 28 km rehabili-
                 tation project of the Kampala – Malaba line in the Kampala
                 – Mukono section was successfully completed. This factory,
                 the first of its kind in the country, is currently waiting to start
                 production of prefabricated sleepers for new sections of URC’s
                 metric gauge line, which will allow new renovation work on
                 the railway line to be undertaken during 2025.
                 Preparation of offers for track renovation and deepening in the
                 establishment of alliances in the market for the manufacture of
                 prestressed concrete sleepers.

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