Page 387 - Anuario FFCC - 2024
P. 387

Durante el año 2024 realizaremos el diseño de un tramo de   Industrial & Singular Building
               doble vía de 36 km longitud entre las localidades de Basora   Urban Planning
               y Salamanch, cuyas obras comenzaran a principios del 2025.
                                                                Top products:  MAINTENANCE: 1. Construction of Civil
               Áreas geográficas donde comercializa los productos y ser-  works for superstructure and Maintenance (12 years) of in-
               vicios:                                          frastructure and superstructure on the Haramain High Speed   guía de empresas
                                                                Line (Makkah – Medinah Arabia). TRACK: 2. Monobloc slee-
               Imathia Construcción desde un principio ha tenido clara su   per factory for the Refurbishment of 28 km on the Kampala
               vocación por la exportación de nuestra experiencia y capaci-  – Malaba Railway Line (Uganda).
               dades y durante los últimos años hemos cerrado colaboracio-
               nes con empresas de otros países y estamos inmersos en varios
               procesos de licitación en Arabia Saudí, Irak, Uganda y Chile.  Activities during the year:
                                                                In 2023, we have continued the maintenance of the Haramain
               La política de expansión se ha basado en la creación de Unio-  High Speed Railway in Saudi Arabia, managing to maintain
               nes Temporales y Consorcios en los que poder combinar nue-  high quality standards throughout our operations. In additi-
               stros conocimientos y experiencias de alto nivel tecnológico   on, we have fully realized the prestressed concrete monobloc
               con el conocimiento del medio de socios locales y la especia-  sleepers for the rehabilitation of 28 km on the metric gauge
               lización de empresas internacionales.            railway line between Kampala and Malaba (Uganda), demon-
                                                                strating our ability to manage complex projects and deliver
               Certificaciones:                                 high quality results. In Spain, we have successfully completed
               Calidad Medio Ambiente y Seguridad y Salud:      the Maintenance Service of the Electrical Installations of the
               Calidad ISO 9001 Medio Ambiente ISO 14001 y Prevención   ADIF-Alta Velocidad Telecommunications Parks in various
               de Riesgos Laborales OHSAS 18.001.               provinces and we have almost completed the construction of
               Durante el año 2023, seguimos trabajando con estándares y   the new Fuencarral II high-speed workshop, the largest rail-
               procedimientos del PMI (Project Management Institute) para   way workshop built by RENFE FABRICATION AND MAINTE-
               mejorar la calidad de nuestros servicios y ajustarlos a los usos   NANCE to date.
               internacionales. Así mismo, hemos desarrollado un profundo   Saudi Arabia
               y global proceso de digitalización que abarca todos los depar-  In the project of the high-speed line between the cities of Mak-
               tamentos de la compañía.                         kah and Medina, we have continued the operation service.
                                                                During 2023 we have continued with the maintenance tasks
               Facturación: Previsión IMATHIA Global en 2024: 82.500.000   of  the  infrastructure  and  the  track  superstructure  while  the
               €                                                operation of the passenger line has been carried out. It is worth
               N.º de empleados: 228                            mentioning the performance of adjustment and maintenance
                                                                tasks of both high-speed and conventional track devices; pe-
                                                                riodic geometric monitoring of the track and dynamic moni-
                                                                toring of the track with accelerometer equipment integrated
                                                                into a commercial train at a speed of 300 km/h; as well as the
               Management Team:                                 performance of the auscultation of the rails with ultrasound
               President: Julián García Valverde                equipment. We have also carried out the annual grinding of
               Vice-President: Daniel García Martín             the track in order to achieve greater durability of the rail using
               Managing Director: José María Carbajo Sotillo    a grinding train made up of three units. With regard to the pre-
                                                                ventive, corrective and inspection tasks of track maintenance,
               Activity: Civil Works.                           the company has the complete equipment of machinery, au-
                                                                xiliary elements and specialized human resources for the total
               Main products and services:                      and autonomous development of the tasks provided for in the
               With a high specialization in the execution and maintenance   Comprehensive Maintenance Plan for the high-speed track.
               of railway works, IMATHIA Construcción develops its main   We are closely following the high-speed activity in the region
               activity in the execution of civil works:        and are present in several ongoing tenders.
               Railways                                         Spain
               Roads                                            During 2023, the construction project for the new Fuencarral
               Integral Water Cycle and Environment             II high-speed workshop and the self-propelled track yard at

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