Page 391 - Anuario FFCC - 2024
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documentos, datos y flujos de información en el transporte   around the world. Sustainability is part of its strategy and
               multimodal de mercancías, cubriendo modos ferroviario,   culture, in order to respond to present and future social and
               marítimo y terrestre.                            environmental challenges. In the 2023 financial year, Indra
                                                                achieved revenues totalling €4,343 million, with more than
               Áreas geográficas donde Indra comercializa los productos y   57,000 employees, a presence in 46 countries and business
               servicios:                                       operations in over 140 countries.                guía de empresas
               España (50%). América (21%). Europa (19%). Asia, Oriente
               Medio y África (10%).                            Management team:
                                                                Chairman: Marc Murtra. CEO: José Vicente de los Mozos.
               Sistemas de Gestión de Calidad: ISO 9001; Estándar de cali-  Activity:
               dad ferroviaria: ISO 22163 Certificación IRIS. Estándares de   Design, consultancy, development, operation, exploitation
               calidad aeroespacial y de defensa: PECAL 2110, PECAL 2210,   and maintenance of technological solutions and systems for
               PECAL 2310 UNE-EN 9100, UNE-EN 9110, UNE-EN 9120,   the aerospace, defence and mobility sectors, including the
               Organización de Diseño (ROD), EASA parte 145, EASA parte   railway sector.
               21G (POA), EASA parte 21J (DOA), PERAM 145. Procesos de
               desarrollo y mantenimiento de SW: CMMi (Capabitity Maturi-  Main products and services:
               ty Model Integration), TMMi (Test Maturity Model Integrated).   Indra continues to satisfy the mobility needs of today’s socie-
               Medio Ambiente: ISO 14001, EMAS. Sistema de Gestión En-  ty with its Mova Solutions offering, which combines the new
               ergética ISO 50001. Tecnología de la Información: Gestión   digital, integration, specialisation and innovation capabilities
               de Servicios UNE-ISO/IEC 20000-1. Seguridad de la Informa-  demanded by the market with the loyalty, business knowledge,
               ción: UNE-ISO/IEC 27001. Gestión de la Innovación: CEN/  Indra’s proprietary technology and the exceptional experience
               TS  16555-1.  I+D+i  UNE  166002.  Gestión  de  Riesgos:  ISO   of all its professionals. This combination of distinctive factors
               31000. Cumplimiento: UNE 19601. Seguridad y Salud: ISO   has resulted in a portfolio of end-to-end solutions focused on
               45001. Relaciones colaborativas ISO 44001; Continuidad de   leading smart mobility to respond successfully to current and
               Negocio: ISO 23302. Seguridad Vial: ISO 39001.   future challenges, with a clear focus on the traveller experience
                                                                and on improving sustainability. The different solution ranges
               Facturación: 4.343 millones de euros             of Indra Mova Solutions make the company a clear leader as an
               Nº de empleados: 57.000                          orchestrator of critical mobility systems and infrastructures and
               Capital social: 35.330.880,40 euros              cover the entire life cycle of its clients’ projects: engineering
               Inversión en I+D: Más de 1.600 millones de euros en los úl-  and consulting (Mova Consulting), collection systems (Mova
               timos seis años                                  Collect), operational and control systems (Mova Traffic), securi-
               Resultado: 206 millones de euros                 ty and safety solutions (Mova Protect), communications (Mova
                                                                Comms), traveller experience (Mova Experience) and operation
                                                                and maintenance services (Mova Care).

               Headquarters:                                    As regards railways, Indra’s comprehensive offer connects
               Avda. de Bruselas 35                             the different areas of the sector and interconnects with other
               E-28108 Alcobendas. Madrid Spain                 railway transport systems, with specific solutions and services
               Tel: +34 91 480 50 00                            for public  authorities, infrastructure administrators,  railway
                                operators, logistics operators, as well as for manufacturers and
                                  maintenance companies, construction companies and large
                                                                integrators. As a demonstration of its capacity and experi-
               Description:                                     ence in the sector, Indra has more than 30,000 km of railway
               Indra ( is one of the leading global   tracks and more than 4,000 km of high-speed lines covered
               technology companies, as well as a leader in digital transfor-  by its Mova Traffic systems, 1,800 km of these railway lines
               mation and information technologies in Spain and Latin Ame-  covered by Mova Consulting services, more than 35 million
               rica through its Minsait subsidiary. Its business model is based   daily transactions processed with its Mova Collect solutions
               on a comprehensive range of high-value proprietary products   and more than 700 SIL-4 on-board equipment and more than
               and a high degree of innovation, making it the technological   13,000 safety signals deployed from the Mova Protect line of
               partner for the digitalisation and key operations of its clients   solutions.

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