Page 396 - Anuario FFCC - 2024
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company guide Description: vantage of the new tools offered by the market, Ineco has pro-
moted its own developments for the improvement of railway
infrastructures, such as the development of DIGAV, as well
as maintaining its presence in major national railway projects
A benchmark in engineering and consultancy in the field of
such as the inauguration of the Pajares Bypass belonging to
sustainable mobility and digital transformation, Ineco has
the Madrid-Asturias high-speed line. It has also launched a
new project for the creation of the CMS for the railway access
been designing comprehensive, innovative and technological
solutions for 55 years that have enabled progress to be made
branch to the Port of Gijón.
In the international context, the company has continued to
towards a new, more sustainable and safer mobility model.
be present in major railway projects in Europe (implementati-
Solutions that contribute directly to improving the quality of
life of millions of people.
on of ERTMS, high speed in the United Kingdom, Rail Baltica
corridor), America (Tren Maya in Mexico, Tren de Colombia,
Management team: Panama metro), Israel, where it has been present for 12 years,
Presidency: Sergio Vázquez Torrón. Engineering and Consul- and Australia, with the commuter trains in Sydney, among
tancy General Director: Patricia Rey. National Business Gene- others. New contracts include the feasibility study for the de-
ral Director: Moisés Gilaberte. International Business General velopment of the Medellín-Bogota railway in Colombia and
Director: Ainhoa Zubieta. Organization and Corporate Ser- the review of the technical standards for the development of
vices General Director: Magdalena Bodelón. Corporate Co- the high-speed railway in Poland together with CPK.
ordination Executive Director: Celestino Rodríguez. General
Secretary: Alberto Torró. Strategy and Management Control Collaborative projects: works in which Ineco participates in
Director: Daniel Latorre. Innovation and Product Develop- coordination with other companies to achieve a common
ment Director: Ana Rojo. goal.
Activity: SHIFT2RAIL Program
A reference engineering and consultancy company in sustai- Shift2Rail is the European Commission’s sectoral program de-
nable mobility and digital transformation dicated to innovation in the railway sector. Ineco participates
in it through its Open Calls, of which it has been awarded as
Main products and services: part of several consortiums.
Thanks to its comprehensive, multidisciplinary and technolo-
gical approach, Ineco has remained a leading player in Spain -OPTIMAL (2019-2023)
in the railway sector, with a solid track record that began more Develops several rail traffic control center demonstrators as
than 55 years ago. Among the main projects carried out at specified by the Shift2Rail program. Ineco participates tog-
national level are the completion of work on the Pajares rail- ether with ADIF supporting our shareholder in the implemen-
way bypass between Asturias and León, the integration of the tation of its demonstrator.
railway in Valencia, the development of CMS systems for the
new railway access branch to the port of Gijón and the con- HORIZONTE Program 2020
tinuation of work on the modernisation and extension of Ato-
cha Station. In the international context, Ineco has continued -RAILGAP (2020-2023)
to be present in major projects in Europe (implementation of It continues the work started with ERSAT GGC and addresses
ERTMS, high speed in the United Kingdom, Rail Baltica corri- the integration of various sensors (GNSS, LIDAR, etc.) to defi-
dor), America (Tren Maya in Mexico) and Australia, with the ne the Ground Truth of the train position. Ineco is leading the
Sydney commuter trains. ground truth definition work package.
Flagship products: ENGINEERING AND CONSULTING: 1. In- Strategic Line Projects of the State Research Agency (AEI)
tegration of the railway in Valencia 2. Medellín-Bogotá Train
-SMART BRIDGE (2021-2024)
Activities during the year: Ineco, in collaboration with the Universities of Cordoba
If there is one thing that has characterised the railway industry (UCO) and Granada (UGR) presented in May 2021 a proposal
in the last year, it has been its clear commitment to research, with the aim to meet the challenges identified in the strategic
innovation and technological development, which has had a line “Predictive maintenance of infrastructure through intelli-
positive impact on the development of the sector. Taking ad- gent systems” of the call for Strategic Line Projects of the State
394 Anuario del Ferrocarril 2024 Spanish Railway Yearbook