Page 397 - Anuario FFCC - 2024
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Research Agency (AEI) of the Ministry of Science and Innova-  Innovations:
               tion. The action is financed by EU NextGen funds through the   At Ineco, innovation is understood as a fundamental lever for
               Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.    consolidating technical leadership, with the aim of continuing
                                                                to provide clients and society as a whole with a differential,
               Europe’s Rail JU programme                       value-added service.

               - ERJU (2022-2026)                                                                                guía de empresas
               The  ERJU  programme  brings  together  all  the  innovation  in   Geographic areas where products and services are commer-
               the railway sector sponsored by the European Commission.   cialised: Worldwide.
               A Partnership has been established between the Commission
               and the European railway industry to promote the railway of
               the future. Ineco participates as an affiliate of ADIF.  Certifications:
               Throughout 2022 ERJU launched the first call for projects of its   Environment, health & safety, quality:
               multi-year programme of works (2022-2026). Ineco was part   Ineco has an integrated management system (SGI) certified
               of 5 proposals and all of them were awarded the contract.  by TÜV Rheinland Cert GmbH, in accordance with interna-
                                                                tional standards:
               Internal projects: Since 2011 Ineco has invested in its own   ISO 9001:2015,  Quality Management System, certificate
               projects for the development of high value-added products   number 01 100 1716925.
               and services. Projects to be highlighted:        ISO 14001:2015, Environmental Management System, certi-
                                                                ficate number 01 104 1716925.
               - CHARLI:                                        ISO 45001:2018,  Occupational  Healthand  Safety  Manage-
               Linear routing tool with machine learning, applied only to   ment System, certificate number 01 113 1716925.
               high speed and hyperloop, for the development of a tool ca-  The three certificates have a scope that covers all of Ineco’s
               pable of routing linear infrastructure in a few minutes, manu-  activity both in Spain and in the rest of the world:
               ally and automatically, characterising them, reflecting whe-   Provision of services and execution of consultancy studies,
               ther the infrastructure sections are above ground, elevated or   engineering projects, technical assistance and works ma-
               underground.                                     nagement and installations, the planning, maintenance and
                                                                management of infrastructure, superstructures, transport
               - iPackage Factor Humano (iPackage Human Factor):   equipment and services, as well as the provision of identical
               Incident analysis tool for railway operating environments rela-  services in relation to infrastructures of a social nature.
               ted to human performance factors. Tools and methodologies   Provision of  comprehensive consultancy services, manage-
               development for the identification of critical factors affecting   ment, monitoring, supervision and administration of the ope-
               human performance, enabling the analysis of human fatigue,   ration, maintenance and rehabilitation of transport infrastruc-
               and providing an environment for the analysis of changes and   ture.
               their impact on human behaviour.                 These certifications follow an international multi-location
                                                                scheme that covers, in addition to Spain, up to 10 countries
               - Methodology for the identification of operational require-  (Saudi Arabia, Costa Rica, United Arab Emirates, Greece, Is-
               ments and their transformation into ERTMS design rules:   rael, Kuwait, Latvia, Mexico, Peru, United Arab Emirates and
               Development based on the characterisation of operational re-  United Kingdom) and are valid until September 10, 2026.
               quirements and their transformation into design rules in an
               automatic way.                                   Information Security and Cybersecurity
                                                                Ineco has an Information Security Management System (SGSI),
               - Efficient of railway infrastructure in BIM:    certified by Bureau Veritas in accordance with the interna-
               Automated creation of IFC files from the digitalisation of the   tional standard ISO/IEC 27001:2013, with certificate number
               infrastructure to generate a 3D twin in BIM.     ES136087-1. The scope of this certification covers the provi-
                                                                sion of the service of generating backup copies and recovery
               - GEOF (Efficient Rail Operations Management):   of the information managed by Ineco. This certificate is valid
               Model to identify failure modes of infrastructure equipment   until March 25, 2026.
               and critical elements from a timeliness point of view.
                                                                In addition, since November 2018, Ineco has held a certificate
                                                                of compliance with the Cyber Essentials-UK cybersecurity es-

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