Page 487 - Anuario FFCC - 2024
P. 487

Activity:                                        first variable-gauge, high-speed train. The company is also
               Leading Spanish company in the railway sector focused on the   deploying a new range of digital platforms for optimising the
               design, manufacture and maintenance of rolling stock, with   operating capacity of transport systems and maximising the
               advanced digital  platforms providing maintenance services   availability, reliability, and operating safety of the train fleet.
               for the management of rail mobility. With a high international
               presence, it has gained worldwide recognition due to its inno-  The following projects stand out:  guía de empresas
               vative capacity, reliability, quality, and customer orientation.
                                                                Avril Renfe (Spain). The Talgo Avril model has an innovative
               Main products and services:                      3+2 internal distribution to increase capacity without redu-
               Talgo is a Spanish company that is internationally renowned   cing passenger comfort. Half of these trains also mount an
               in high-speed and long-distance rail.            automatic track-gauge changing system for very high-speed
                                                                (300 km/h), for the first time in history. The train is already
               Trains: Very high-speed (Talgo Avril, Talgo 350), high-speed   in service.
               (Talgo 250, Talgo 250 Dual), Intercity (Talgo 230), Commuter
               & Regional (Talgo Vittal, Vittal ONE) and locomotives.  Avril Adif (Spain). Spain rail infrastructure manager Adif com-
                                                                missioned Talgo to supply a train made up of two dual-voltage
               Maintenance Equipment: Talgo supplies maintenance equip-  power heads and six variable-gauge coaches, with 8,000 kW
               ment to operators around the world, with three main product   of power and a top speed of 330 km/h. The order includes the
               categories: underfloor wheel lathes to re-shape the wheels wi-  train, as well as its comprehensive maintenance for 5 years,
               thout having to disassemble the bogies, measurement equip-  and equipping it with high-technology dynamic monitoring
               ment to analyse wheel imperfections, and Talgo shunting cars   and control instruments.
               designed  to move trains  in  a  simple and  effective  manner.
               Talgo also develops advanced maintenance engineering solu-  Talgo 230 Deutsche Bahn (Germany). In 2019 Talgo signed a
               tions, based on the extensive use of digitization, big data, and   contract with Deutsche Bahn to manufacture up to 100 Talgo
               machine learning.                                230 intercity trains, with an initial order for 23 units that are
                                                                currently being manufactured, and a second order for another
               Smart Maintenance Engineering:  Talgo develops advanced   56 units that was awarded in May 2023. DB will use these
               digital platforms to support mobility solutions in the rail sec-  units, which include locomotives and cab-cars, and have a
               tor, based on new Industry 4.0 technologies and making ex-  maximum speed of 230 km/h, in domestic and international
               tensive use of technologies such as: IoT, Machine and Deep   long-distance routes, thereby connecting the German capital,
               Learning, Big Data Cloud Computing, digital twins, artificial   Berlin, with that of the Netherlands (Amsterdam).
               vision, and augmented reality, to optimise the operating ca-
               pacity of transport systems and maximise the availability, re-  Talgo 230 DSB (Denmark). Danish operator DSB has awarded
               liability, and operating safety of the train fleet. To that end, it   Talgo a contract to supply a batch of 16 Talgo 230 intercity
               has developed a digital platform called Tsmart© for real-time   trains, which form part of a more extensive framework con-
               monitoring and predictive maintenance based on artificial in-  tract. These wide-body trains will have a passenger capacity
               telligence, as well as the Talvi© platform for automatic train   of 440 and a maximum speed of 200 km/h, and will include
               inspection based on artificial vision.           cab-cars as the DB units.

               Maintenance services: Talgo provides comprehensive main-  Intercity ENR (Egypt) After signing a contract in 2019, Talgo
               tenance services and vehicle refurbishment, both for the ve-  has already delivered to the Egyptian operator ENR 6 trains,
               hicles it manufactures and for 3rd-party rolling stock.  each composed of a locomotive and 14 cars, and will be in
                                                                charge of their maintenance for 8 years. At the same time, ENR
               Top products: ROLLING STOCK AND TRACTION EQUIPT-  has awarded Talgo the manufacturing of seven night trains.
               MENT: 1. AVRIL RENFE. 2. Talgo 230 DSB. 3. Talgo 230 ICE
               L.                                               Innovations:
                                                                Talgo is currently focusing its innovation activity on a four-
               Activities in the year:                          pillar approach: digitalization, sustainable mobility, optimiza-
               Activities in 2024: Talgo continued to consolidate its interna-  tion of passenger experience, and innovation enhancement.
               tional presence with new contracts abroad, with the entering
               into service of Avril (Renfe Series 106), which is the world’s   Within each line, the company has been working on key

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