Page 492 - Anuario FFCC - 2024
P. 492

company guide  Activity:                                cia HST line. Section: Silleda-Vedra-Boqueixón. Infrastructure

                 Construction of all kinds of civil works, buildings and special
                                                                   works including the Ulla viaduct a lightly pointed arch, 168
                                                                   m. of span and 105 m. of rise; Project design and track-laying.
                 works. High specialization in construction and maintenance
                                                                   Section: Olmedo-Pedralba de la Pradería.
                 of railway infrastructure and superstructure for HST lines, con-
                 ventional lines, tram and metro systems.
                                                                   HST-TRACK  MAINTENANCE:  Madrid–Barcelona  HST  line.
                                                                   Maintenance of infrastructure, track switches and crossings.
                 Main products and services:
                 RAILWAYS: High technology for railways specialising in re-
                                                                   Operating bases Brihuega y Calatayud (2024 -2028);  Ma-
                                                                   drid-Asturias HST line. Maintenance of track, switches and
                 novation, construction and maintenance of new and existing
                                                                   crossings. Section: Galicia connection – La Robla - Pola de
                 railway lines (both HST and conventional), as well as metro
                 and tram lines.
                                                                   Lena (2023-2027). Madrid–Seville HST line. Maintenance of
                                                                   infrastructure, track switches and crossings. Operating bases
                 CONSTRUCTION: high ways, roads, hydraulic works, urban   Mora y Calatrava (2024 -2028); Madrid – Levante HST line.
                 developments, environmental actions, buildings.   Maintenance and pre-maintenance service of the infrastructu-
                                                                   re, track, switches and crossings. Operating bases Villarubia
                 Top products:  TRAINING, CERTIFICATION, RESEARCH: 1.   de Santiago and Gabaldon (2020-2024). Madrid-Galicia HST
                 Structures and infrastructure monitoring through IoT sen-  Line. Section: Olmedo–Pedralba de la Pradería (25 years).
                 sors.  INFRAESTRUCTURE: 2.  Tunnel Enlargement System
                 (TES). TRACK: 3. Automatic system for the selective correc-  CONVENTIONAL LINES: ADIF. Railway actions: Track rene-
                 tion of rail corrugation. 4. Machine for positioning and Squa-  wal, specific actions in Infrastructure and adaptation of the
                 ring Railway Sleepers. Squaring machine.          gauge of overpasses of the Bobadilla – Ronda section. New
                                                                   rail access to the Port of Seville. Castellón Station. New par-
                 Activities in the year:                           king base for high-speed trains in Sant Andreu Comtal; Re-
                 INFRASTRUCTURE AND SUPERSTRUCTURE FOR HST LI-     modelling of the Madrid-Vicálvaro freight terminal. Phase
                 NES.  New Railway  Complex of Atocha  Station  (Madrid).   1,  Subphase  1B  and  Subphase  1C;  Replacement  of  current
                 Construction Project of Phase 2. Pasante Station Projects for   concrete track for a new railway track on ballast in Orcasitas
                 the construction of the new access channel for the integrati-  Station (C-5 Cercanias Madrid Commuter rail network); Im-
                 on of High Speed   in the city of Valencia, the expansion and   provement works on the railway track. R16 Line (Rodalies de
                 remodeling of the Valencia Station - Joaquín Sorolla and the   Catalunya´s commuter rail service). Section: Tortosa-L´Aldea
                 expansion of the Valencia - Joaquín Sorolla car park; Sevilla-  / Conventional lines Maintenance (Infrastructure and tracks)
                 Cádiz HST line. Platform and track, Section: Airport of Jerez   ADIF (MIV): MIV 2021 LOT 1 Northwest / LOT 2 North Me-
                 de la Frontera Station-Cádiz. Duplication of railway tracks.   tric-Gauge lines:  Infrastructure and track maintenance Adif
                 Railway spur to Bajo de la Cabezuela dock; Madrid-Sevilla   network path. LOT 7 Metric Gauge Railway Network.
                 HST line Renewal of sleepers on Madrid-Sevilla HST line.;
                 Madrid–Zaragoza–Barcelona– French Border HST Line. New   Renfe Operations (Spanish National Railway Network): Plat-
                 Sant Andreu Station for Catalonia commuter trains network.   form expansion at Asturias and Cantabria stations. Extension
                 Tracks and overhead contact system works; Vitoria–Bilbao–  of train-maintenance workshops at Montcada.
                 San Sebastián HST line. Platform. Section: Atxondo – Abadiño
                 / Platform. Section: Mondragon-Elorrio-Bergara. Sector II. /   STATE PORTS (PUERTOS DEL ESTADO). For Valencia Port
                 Platform and track, Section: Astigarraga-Irun. Implementation   Authority:  Remodeling of the Príncipe Felipe Pier Railway
                 of the UIC track width; Mediterranean Corridor Platform and   Terminal; Improvement of the layout of the rail and road net-
                 tracks works for implementation of standard width. a) Section:   work, including a new classification yard, between the Poni-
                 Silla – Cullera, b) Castellbisbal-Martorell, c) Castellón Station;   ente Pier and the Costa del Puerto Pier.
                 Special works: A High Speed Line connecting the stations of
                 Atocha and Chamartin. (Madrid). Construction of a new tun-  OTHER RAILWAY AUTHORITIES. For ETS: Tramway expan-
                 nel by using a TBM and an UIC track width / Atlantic Axis   sion Vitoria-Gazteiz to Salburu, second phase. Civil works. /
                 high-speed rail linea. Section: Ulla Viaduct. (The bridge is a   New Station in Zarautz (Basque Country) / Maltzaga Station
                 composite featuring a steel truss built on a concrete deck. It   track renovation and new auxiliary track. / New emergency
                 is composed of 3 main spans of 225 meters, 240 meters and   exits. Section: Bergara-Astigarraga / Additional platform works
                 225 meters, making the principal span one of the largest in the   for the New Railway Network in the Basque Country. Section:
                 world – the bridge also holds multiple records) / Madrid-Gali-  Bergara-Astigarraga / Infrastructure maintenance and track

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