Page 489 - Anuario FFCC - 2024
P. 489
infraestructuras. Diseño, fabricación, transformación, repara- of self-propelled vehicles and freight cars.
ción y mantenimiento de material móvil remolcado. Repara- Metal bridges: Repair and maintenance.
ción y mantenimiento de puentes metálicos.
Main products and services:
Productos estrella: MATERIAL RODANTE Y EQUIPOS DE Design, manufacture and after-sales support for turnouts, swit-
TRACCIÓN: 1. Vagón portacamiones tipo Sdggmrss. ELEC- ches, crossings, expansion devices, bridge re-railers, fixed and guía de empresas
TRIFICACIÓN: 2. Dresina para mantenimiento de vía y ca- sliding buffers, insulating joints, its components and spare
tenaria VEL-400. parts. Execution of integral projects on the design and imple-
mentation of track equipment in train stations, shunting yards,
Actividades en el año: ports and Industrial Sites. Design, manufacture, repair and
Suministro de desvíos de alta velocidad y convencionales maintenance of locomotives and self-propelled vehicles for
para diferentes líneas. Suministro de desvíos para metros y works in Railway Infrastructures. Design, manufacture, trans-
tranvías. Fabricación y suministro de agujas de perfil bajo asi- formation, repair and maintenance of Freight cars. Repair and
métrico. Mantenimiento y reparación de la flota de vagones maintenance of metal bridges.
de diferentes operadores. Fabricación de vagones. Interven-
ción en diversos tipos de material autopropulsado. Suministro Top products: ROLLING STOCK AND TRACTION EQUIP-
de dresinas para mantenimiento de vía y línea aérea de con- MENT: 1. Sdggmrss Pocket Wagon. ELECTRIFICATION: 2.
tacto. Reparación de puentes metálicos en líneas ferroviarias. VEL-400 Track car for track and catenary maintenance.
Áreas geográficas donde comercializa los productos y ser- Activities in the year:
vicios: Todo el mundo. Supply of high-speed and conventional turnouts for different
lines. Supply of turnouts for undergrounds and Light Rail
Certificaciones: Systems. Manufacture and supply of End-Forged low asym-
Calidad y Medio Ambiente: metrical Switch points and asymmetrical low tread points.
UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015 AENOR ER-0333/1995. Maintenance and repair of wagon fleets for different opera-
UNE-EN ISO 14001:2015 AENOR GA-2008/0163. tors. Wagons manufacture. Intervention on different types
UNE-EN 15085-2:2008. of self-propelled vehicles. Supply of track cars for track and
overhead contact line maintenance. Repair of metal bridges
on railway lines.
Description: Geographic areas where your products and services are mar-
Companies of the group: keted: Worldwide.
Ferrovías Astur, S.A.: Design, manufacture, repair and main-
tenance of self-propelled vehicles. Certifications:
Railforja Asturiana, S.A.: Forging of asymmetrical low tread Quality and Environment:
points. UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015 AENOR ER-0333/1995.
Invatra Alcázar, S.L.: Repair and maintenance of freight wa- UNE-EN ISO 14001:2015 AENOR GA-2008/0163.
gons. UNE-EN 15085-2:2008.
Mieres Rail, S.A.: Design and manufacture of turnout systems,
Management team:
CEO: Alfredo Alegría Díaz. Director: Ricardo García Mesa.
Technical Director Track Equipment: Carlos García Díaz.
Technical Director Rolling Stock: Gonzalo Cuetos Ruano. In-
ternational Sales: Sergio Tamargo Chamorro.
Track: Design and manufacture of turnout systems, manufac-
ture of End-Forged low asymmetrical switch points.
Rolling stock: Design, manufacture, repair and maintenance
Spanish Railway Yearbook 2024 Anuario del Ferrocarril 487