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company guide  en  más de 70 países. Tiene además oficina permanente en   Commission through the Shift2Rail platform.
                  España, India, Colombia, Argelia y Lituania.
                                                                    4. Independent Safety Assessment (AsBo) for the detailed design
                                                                    of the Intermodal Railway Terminal for the Port of Guadalajara
                                                                    Marchamalo of the Port of Tarragona.
                                                                    5. General Consultancy  for the supervision of the Design
                  Certificación / Acreditación: ISO 9001 (Calidad), ISO 14001
                  (Medioambiente), ISO 45001 (Seguridad y salud), ISO 17020
                                                                    and the Execution of Works for LRT of “Calle 80”, under the
                                                                    management of the company Metro de Medellín (Colombia).
                  (Evaluación independiente de seguridad);  Achilles (Link
                  up) (UK para sistemas de seguridad, telecomunicaciones, y
                                                                    6.  Pre-Feasibility Study, Detailed Survey  and Financing
                                                                    alternatives for the construction of a cable car linking the
                  Nº de empleados: 400
                                                                    7. Preliminary design of the Stations of Rail Baltica Project,
                                                                    Harju  and Parnumaa,  including  the design  of access  roads,
                  Capital social: 60.121 euros
                  Inversión I+D: 1.200.000 euros                    Kumrat and Madaklasht valleys (Pakistan).
                                                                    outdoor areas and car parks.(Lativa).
                  Ventas: 22,5 millones de euros                    8. Feasibility study of existing traction supply system to
                                                                    adopt the latest technological advancements/upgradations
                                                                    on Mumbai Suburban Railway system of Central & Western
                                                                    Railway. (India).
                  Management team:                                  9. Project Management Consultancy, Health and Safety
                  CEO: Carlos  Alonso. Financial Director: Carlos Estévez.   Coordination and Technical Assistance for the works comprising
                  International Director:  Alberto González. COO:  Abraham   the “Construction of the extension of line 11 of the Madrid
                  García. Latin America Director: Juan Manuel Cabellos. R+D   metro, section: Plaza Elíptica - Conde de Casal”. (Spain)
                  Director: Bernat Amadas.                          10. Consultancy and design of safety and electrification
                                                                    installations of the Dublin Coastal Line (Dublin Metro –
                  Activity:  Railway Engineering and Consultancy Services in   Ireland).
                  transport and energy sectors.
                  Main products and services:                       Participation in the OPTIMA Project and 4SECURAIL Project
                  Feasibility Studies, Basic and Detailed Design,  Works   of the Shift2Rail, Research & Innovation Framework Program,
                  Supervision and Project Management for railways, metros,   under the H2020 umbrella:
                  trams, monorails, cable cars, etc.
                                                                    The OPTIMA project will address the design and development
                  ISA (Independent Safety  Assessor) for Infrastructure, Energy,   of a Communication Platform to manage the link with different
                  Control-Command Signalling and Rolling Stock Subsystems.   services (multimodal operational systems), supporting  TMS
                  RAMS studies, Life Cycle Cost (LCC) Studies.      applications.

                  Comprehensive Operation and Maintenance Simulations.  The 4SECURAIL project, coordinated by Ardanuy Ingeniería,
                                                                    will develop a coordinated cybersecurity response to protect
                  Top  products:  ENGINEERING AND  CONSULTING: 1.   critical infrastructure such as the rail network.
                  Development  of  Computer Applications  for  Consultancy  in
                  Railway  Operation  and  Railway  Maintenance:  RailPower,   Geographic  areas  where  your  products  and  services  are
                  RailTraffic, SIMOLE, AUTOELEC. TRAINING, CERTIFICATION,   marketed:
                  RESEARCH: 2. Independent Safety Assessor: ISA Accreditation   Ardanuy is working in 5 continents and has developed Projects
                  for  Control-command  and  signalling,  Energy,  Rolling  Stock   in more than 60 countries. Ardanuy has permanent office in
                  and Infrastructure.                               Spain, India, Colombia, Algeria and Lithuania.

                  Activities in the year:                           Certifications:
                  1.  Technical assistance in the process of development,   Certification  /  Accreditation:  ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO
                  implementation and application of common safety methods for   45001, ISO 17020; Achilles (Link up).
                  ADIF (Spain).
                  2. Comprehensive Supervision of the Operation and Maintenance   No. of employees: 400
                  for the Service of Line 1 of Lima and Callao Metro (Peru).  Share capital: 60,121 Euros
                  3. Formal Methods and a CSIRT for the Railway Sector.   R&D Investment: 1,600,000 Euros
                  4SECURAIL Project, project financed by the European   Sales: 22.5 million Euros

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