Page 279 - Anuario FFCC - 2023
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General Manager: Roberto Gallardo Fernández-Díez. Pre- - Mayan Train. Section 3: Clakini-Izamal, Mexico.
Contracts and Business Development Director: Gabriel - Tren Maya. Workshops and garages construction,
Peñafiel Trueba. Civil Works Director: Carlos Puebla México.
Montalvo. Railway Works Director: César Domínguez - Tren Maya. Sleepers factory construction and
González-Seco. Building Department Director: Pablo operation, México.
Reiter Fernández. Bid and Strategy Director: Juan - Isthmus of Tehuantepec Railway. Line Z. Section: guía de empresas
Jesús García de Pablo. Technical Director: Juan Pérez Puerto Salina-Medias Aguas, México.
Torres. Mexico Regional Director: José María Martínez - Chamartín Railway Station. Iberian gauge track
Benavente. South and Central America Regional Director: and platforms upgrade. Spain.
Manuel Álvarez Asensio. - Chamartín Railway Station. Station extension,
platforms and UIC track bed, Spain.
Field: Railways and civil works, logistics, railway transport, - HSR Madrid-Sevilla. Infrastructure upgrade.
railway heavy machinery maintenance and railway Section: Guadalmez-Córdoba. Spain.
electrification systems installation and maintenance. - Zafra-Huelva Railway Line. Infrastructure and
track upgrade. Section: Calañas-Peguerillas. Spain.
Main products and services: - HSR Madrid-Extremadura. Stretch: San Rafael-
Throughout more than 100 years of activity, Azvi has Cuarto de la Jara. Spain.
accumulated extensive experience, technical capacity - HSR Plasencia-Badajoz. Infrastructure, Track and
and solvency to successfully execute all kind of railways Turnout Maintenance. Mérida and Cáceres Bases.
and civil construction projects. - HSR Lines. Infrastructure, Track and Turnout
Maintenance: HSR Madrid-Sevilla; HSR Córdoba-Málaga;
Azvi’s origins as a railway company have turned the HSR Madrid-Brihuega (Brihuega and Calatayud Bases).
company into a key player in the railway sector with Spain.
extensive experience in the complete cycle of railway - Valencia Commuter Network. Section:
infrastructure: infrastructure, superstructure, electrification Pobla LLarga-Silla. Infrastructure, superstructure and
and signaling, assembly bases and maintenance works electrification upgrading. Spain.
(preventive and corrective). In addition, Azvi has its own - Conventional Railway Lines: Infrastructures, Track
railway heavy machinery park and its approved workshop and Incidence Treatment Plan. Lot F.3 and Lot D.2. Spain.
to maintain and repair it. - South and West railway zone (Oslo y Østfold)
and Flåmsbana railway line preventive and corrective
The company has played an important role in the maintenance, Norway.
development of High-Speed Railway in Spain, having - Old Ulriken railway tunnel rehabilitation,
worked on more than 490 km of different HSR lines, Norway.
since works started in 1987 on the first line, which linked - Arna-Bergen railway project. Section: Arna-
Madrid and Sevilla in 1992. Fløen. Track and installations. Norway.
- Northern Line rehabilitation. Section: Ovar-Gaia.
Besides HSR projects, also of note are the numerous Portugal.
conventional railway projects aimed at improving existing - Northern line. Track, catenary and traction
railway infrastructures. current return works. Section: Pampilhosa-Gaia. Portugal.
Azvi also has extensive experience in the execution of all Geographic areas where your products and services are
types of infrastructure associated with the railway. marketed: Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico,
Norway, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Serbia, Spain and
Top products: TRACK: 1. Variable gauge axles for freight. Uruguay.
2. Azvi has built Norway’s first ballastless track between
Arna and Fløen in Bergen. ROLLING STOCK: 3. Rolling Certifications:
Stock Maintenance Centre. ELECTRIFICATION: 4. Implemented and certified by Aenor Management
Ispalvia. Systems for BIM (ISO 19650 parts 1 and 2), Quality (ISO
9001), Environment (ISO 14001), Occupational Health
Activities in the year: and Safety (ISO 45001), Anti-bribery (ISO 37001) and
Railway projects: Criminal Compliance (UNE 19601).
Spanish Railway Yearbook 2023 Anuario del Ferrocarril 277