Page 284 - Anuario FFCC - 2023
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company guide   Bagnères de Bigorre Factory, France       including feasibility analysis and investigations, system
                            E-25123 Puigverd. Lérida.Spain
                                                                     design, civil work, signalling, electrification and other
                               Tel.: +34 902 90 85 43
                                                                     electromechanical systems, rolling stock supply and
                               Fax: +34 973 77 07 00
                                                                     system operation and maintenance.
                                                                     In terms of rolling stock, CAF supplies and maintains high-
                            International production plants:
                                                                     speed trains, regional and commuter trains, locomotives,
                                                                     metro units, tramways and buses.
                            3 route de Labassère CS 20221
                          F-65202 Bagnères de Bigorre. France
                                                                     Main products and services:
                                                                     - Rolling stock: high-speed trains, regional and commuter
                               Tel.: +33 5 62 91 05 55
                               Fax: +33 5 62 91 05 77
                                                                     trains,  locomotives,  metro  units,  LRVs, tramways  and
                                                                     auxiliary vehicles.
                             Reichshoffen Factory, France            - Hybrid, electric and hydrogen buses.
                                6 Rue de Strasbourg                  - Rolling stock maintenance and refurbishment,
                             67110 Reichshoffen. France              equipment of workshops and after-sales services.
                               Tel.: +33 3 88 80 25 00               - Signalling systems: ERTMS systems, electronic
                               Fax: +33 3 88 80 25 29                interlockings and integrated control centres.
                                                                     - Components:  Traction equipment, energy storage
                               Newport Factory, UK                   systems, information and communication systems,
                              CAF Rolling Stock UK Ltd               wheels, axles, wheelsets and gear-units.
                        1 Monks Ditch Drive/Rhodfa Ffos Y Mynach     -  Engineering  and  systems  integration  in  the  transport
                                Celtic Business Park                 systems field.
                              Newport NP19 4RH. UK
                                                                     Top  products:  ROLLING  STOCK  AND TRACTION
                                Elmira Factory, USA                  EQUIPTMENT: 1.  URBOS,  2.  CIVITY,  3.  INNEO.
                              300 East Eighteenth Street             OTHERS:  4. LEADMIND.
                          14903 Elmira Heights. New York. USA
                               Tel.: 00 1 607 732 5251               Activities in the year:
                               Fax: 00 1 607 737 3118
                                          RECENT CONTRACTS

                              Hortolandia Factory, Brazil            ROLLING STOCK
                                Rua Ytamaraka, s/n                   ISRAEL - Supply of 98 Urbos trams for Tel Aviv
                              Gleba A - Bairro Boa Vista             SWEDEN - Supply of 25 EMUs for SJ
                          CEP 13184-852 Hortolândia/SP. Brazil       NEW ZEALAND - Supply of 23 EMUs for Auckland
                              Tel.: +55 19 40 62 89 84               SPAIN - Supply of 5 EMUs for Mallorca
                                                                     SPAIN - Supply of 8 trams for Granada
                             Huehuetoca Factory, Mexico              SPAIN - Supply of 2 additional trams for Metrocentro,
                               Barrio San Bartolo s/n                Seville
                    Línea de la Ciudad de México a Ciudad Juárez entre km   SPAIN - Supply of 28 BEMUs for Renfe
                             A-45+601.60 y A-45+250.00               GERMANY - Supply of 22 + 10 LRVs for Bonn
                         Huehuetoca. Estado de México. Mexico        GERMANY - Supply of 10 additional units for NWL
                                                                     GERMANY - Supply of 42 LRVs for Hannover
                    Management team:                                 UAE - Supply of 9 push-pull trains for Etihad Rail
                    Executive Chairman: Andres Arizkorreta.          FRANCE - Supply of 60 trams for Montpellier
                    CEO: Javier Martinez Ojinaga.                    FRANCE - Supply of 15 trams for Marseille
                                                                     AUSTRALIA - Supply of 5 additional trams for Canberra
                    Activity: CAF is one of the world leaders in the design   UNITED STATES - Supply of 102 LRVs for Boston
                    and implementation of comprehensive transit systems.   NETHERLANDS -Supply of 60 double deck EMUs for NS
                    CAF provides comprehensive project and engineering   HUNGARY - Supply of 20 additional trams for Budapest
                    management throughout all stages of the project

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