Page 276 - Anuario FFCC - 2023
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company guide La sociedad continúa ejerciendo una importante actividad Operating and maintenance of underground rail infrastructures
en materia de I+D+I para la generación de soluciones y la
Construction management and supervision.
aplicación de las tecnologías más avanzadas a las necesidades
de sus clientes. Esta actividad se lleva a cabo principalmente
Supervision of the new line of Metro de Santiago.
a través de proyectos en colaboración con clientes,
universidades, centros de investigación y otras empresas, y
Activities in the year:
cuenta con incentivos y financiación de entidades como el
Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial (CDTI) y la
General Consultancy for the RRTS Delhi-Meerut High Speed
Comisión Europea (CE).
Study of alternatives, executive project of the Workshops and
Los tres proyectos más importantes son: Super PV, que integra
la IA en plantas fotovoltaicas para reducir los costes de
Garages necessary for the operation of the Mayan Train.
Signalling of the Northwest Plan
mantenimiento y conseguir nuevos sistemas de obtención de Train
energía solar, basados en PV de última generación ; Islander, Supervision of the electrification and track works on two
que propone el diseño de un sistema completo para convertir separate contracts for the Madrid-Seville high-speed line.
a la isla alemana de Borkum en un enclave energético, Services for the drafting of the Galibo extension projects in
totalmente autónomo y descarbonizado, en el año 2030; y tunnels and overpasses on the 610- Zaragoza - Teruel - Sagunto
SDN-Microsense, cuyo objetivo es diseñar y proporcionar una line.
nueva arquitectura de microgrid resistente, de múltiples capas Services for the drafting of the track renewal project for the
y compatible con SDN. access branch to the inner port of Ferrol.
Services for the drafting of the track renewal project for the
Áreas geográficas donde comercializa los productos y Xátiva - Alcoi line. Section: Xátiva - Ontinyent.
servicios: Services for the drafting of the basic and construction project
Sede central: España (Sevilla). Oficinas: España, UK, Irlanda, for the assembly and maintenance base for the Murcia - Lorca
Bahréin, Dubái, Arabia Saudí, India, México, Polonia, Portugal, San Diego section of the Murcia - Lorca high-speed railway
Panamá, República Dominicana Colombia, Ecuador, Chile, line.
Perú, Brasil, Andorra, Argentina, Italia, Alemania, Marruecos Services for the drafting of the construction project for track
y Argelia. assembly on the Sant Andreu Comptal section.
Services for the drafting of the construction project for the
Certificaciones: implementation of the third line at Irún station.
Calidad y Medio Ambiente: Assistance services for the control of the platform works for
- Gestión de la Calidad, conforme a la ISO 9001 the North-Northwest high-speed railway corridor. Section:
- Gestión Ambiental, conforme a la ISO 14001 Valladolid-Burgos-Vitoria. Subsections: Villazopeque-Estépar
- Gases de Efecto Invernadero, conforme a la ISO 14064-1 and Estépar-Burgos railway branch.
Services for the control and supervision of the work on the
Facturación: 640 millones de euros Mediterranean Corridor-LAV Madrid-Barcelona-French border
Nº de empleados: 11311 railway connection project.
Technical assistance services for the control and monitoring
of the construction works of the platform construction project
for the Vitoria-Bilbao-San Sebastián high-speed railway line.
Management team: Section: Mondragón-Elorrio-Bergara. Sector 1.
CEO: José Luis Manzanares Abásolo. Chief Operations Officer: Consultancy and technical assistance services for the control
Rosalío Alonso. Chief Markets Officer Engineering: Marisa and monitoring of the works for the construction project of
Chabaneix. the Miamán assembly base and auxiliary installations for track
assembly in the north-northwest high-speed corridor. Olmedo-
Activity: Engineering and Consulting, Other. Lubián-Ourense section. Subsection: Pedralba de la Pradería-
Main products and services: Support services for the Works Management of the Atotxa
Studies and designs (transport plans, feasibility studies, Station Remodelling Construction Project.
preliminary designs and detailed designs) Technical assistance services for the control and supervision
Independent engineers of the construction works for the construction project of the
railway access to the Port of Sagunto.
Testing and commissioning
274 Anuario del Ferrocarril 2023 Spanish Railway Yearbook