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company guide  productos (Certificado de Registro de empresa ER-  zero-carbon products and steelmaking activities, as well

                    030/2/92 expedido por AENOR). ArcelorMittal recibe el
                                                                     as wider initiatives and green innovation projects.
                    certificado ResponsibleSteel™ para el Clúster de Asturias.
                                                                     ArcelorMittal has a dedicated  R&D Rail Unit  with pilot
                    ArcelorMittal produce Carril y Secciones Especiales bajo
                                                                     plants and different prototyping facilities for developing
                    las principales especificaciones y estándares
                    internacionales como Euronorma, ASCE, AREMA, AS, BS,
                                                                     new rail mill processes and products. ArcelorMittal leads
                                                                     the efforts to continuously improve rail steel production by
                    GOST, IRSS, etc.  y bajo las especificaciones particulares
                    de nuestros clientes.
                                                                     behavior to fatigue including weldability; highlighting the
                                                                     design, modelling and testing of the prototypes of CHHR
                    Además, ArcelorMittal  está  homologada por las
                    principales Administraciones ferroviarias: DB (Alemania),   studying on-track real performance, its hardness and wear
                                                                     line, and designed and built different equipment to support
                    ADIF (España), FINNISH RAIL (Finlandia), REFER   rail process like advanced testing and in-use properties
                    (Portugal), SNCF (Francia), SNCB (Bélgica), OBB (Austria),   (twin-disk and real size Rolling Contact Fatigue Bench). In
                    SBB  (Suiza),  MRS  (Brasil),  ADIF (Argentina),  TCDD   addition, there is a pilot welding plant with: aluminothermic
                    (Turquía), PKP (Polonia), AFER (Rumanía), Network Rail   welding equipment, heat treatment furnaces and specific
                    (Inglaterra), República Checa (SZDC), Arabia Saudí (SRO,   rail recharge or repair equipment, among others.
                    SAR), Dinamarca, Israel, Sudáfrica y muchas más.
                                                                     Geographic areas where your products and services are
                    Facturación: 79,844 millones de dólares          marketed:  Rails  and  Special  Sections manufactured  by
                    Nº de empleados: 158.000                         ArcelorMittal are exported all over the world.
                    Inversión en I+D: 270 millones de dólares
                                                                     Quality and Environment:
                                                                     ArcelorMittal has implemented its own systems, the
                    Management team:                                 Certified  Environmental  Management  System  according
                    Chairman and CEO: Lakshmi N. Mittal. CMO (Chief   to the international standard ISO 14001 and the System of
                    Marketing Officer) Rails & Special Sections: Victor Ruiz   Quality Assurance according to ISO 9001, a further step to
                    Piñeiro.                                         improve the organization and increase the quality of our
                                                                     products (Certificate of Registration ER-030/2/92 issued by
                    Field: Track and Other.                          AENOR). ArcelorMittal has achieved ResponsibleSteel™
                                                                     certification for its Asturias Cluster in Spain.
                    Main products and services:
                    ArcelorMittal as a leading rail producer, supplying rails   ArcelorMittal develops Rails and Special Sections under
                    for railways, subways, tram, light tracks, crossings, crane   the following the main International Standards as
                    rails and rail components etc. With production facilities in   Euronorm, ASCE, AREMA, AS, BS, GOST, IRSS, etc. and
                    Gijon (Spain), Dabrowa Gonizca and Chorzow (Poland),   under the particular specifications of its customers.
                    and Rodange (Luxembourg) that combines long
                    experience with a high technological level, allows us to   Moreover, ArcelorMittal  is  homologated  in the  main
                    supply a rail of excellent quality, capable of meeting the   Railway Administrations, and does not stop working on
                    present and future needs of the most demanding users.  enlarging the list all around the world: Homologated by DB
                                                                     (Germany), ADIF (Spain), FINNISH RAIL (Finland), REFER
                    Top products: TRACK: 1. High-Speed Rails. 2. R&D Rail   (Portugal), SNCF (France), SNCB (Belgium), OBB (Austria),
                    Excellence Centre. 3. New Rail Tool App. 4. RailCor® a   SBB (Switzerland), MRS (Brazil), ADIF (Argentina), TCDD
                    new range of Corrosion Resistant Rails.          (Turkey), PKP (Poland), AFER (Romania), NETWORK RAIL
                                                                     (UK), Czech Republic (SZDC), Saudi Arabia (SRO, SAR),
                    Activities in the year:                          Denmark, Israel, South Africa and many more.
                    ArcelorMittal  has  launched  XCarb , as part of the
                    company commitment to reduce CO  emissions by 35%   Turnover: 79,844 million Dollars
                    by 2030 in Europe, with a further ambition to achieve   No. of employees: 158.000
                    net zero by 2050. XCarb  will bring together all low and   R&D investment: 270 million Dollars

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