Page 270 - Anuario FFCC - 2023
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company guide de CAF desde nuestro departamento de informática se ha - Collaboration with innovation departments for the
desarrollado un sistema de almacenamiento que a través de
industrialization of their products.
- Design of the manufacturing tools for rolling stock
un interfaz permite a las unidades de Metro Medellín enviar la
información de monitorización.
- Technical documentation of the vehicles.
- Consulting, sale and maintenance of Windows, Linux, AIX
- Optimización de producto y de procesos de fabricación
mediante ingeniería de concurrencia para distintos fabricantes.
computer systems, experts in CAD / CAM workstations
- Training
- Custom applications and commercial software.
Persiguiendo un objetivo de creación de un sistema de
máquinas virtuales que fuera estable, fiable y con bajo coste,
tras dos años de desarrollo de I+D hemos creado una solución
Modular assembly system for linings, flooring and IOT devices.
de virtualización sobre KVM. Buscábamos un sistema que Top products: COMPONENTS: 1. Smart Lining System:
fuera capaz de mover entornos Windows y Linux con hardware Activities in the year:
económico y que nos permitiese modificar las MV en caliente
sin la necesidad de parar la actividad de los usuarios. En - MANUFACTURING SUPPORT ENGINEERING: more
nuestro banco de pruebas se fueron implementando soluciones than 100 welding and cutting tools for body and bogie
de conexiones ISCSI, migraciones, backup’s, snapshots con manufacture, including the supervision of manufacturing and
un resultado muy bueno. Ahora disponemos de una solución commissioning, for different railway projects such as Lieja
de virtualización sobre KVM con contenedores y máquinas Tram, Birminghan or Jesusalen as well as for Metro projects
virtuales, copias y migraciones en caliente de las máquinas such as Helsinki, Istanbul or the iconic Lisbon Metro.
virtuales y con almacenamiento ISCSI Target en Synology NAS.
- TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION: For more than 50 railway
I+D+I rolling stock projects
Soluciones para optimización de producto, integración de (Tramways of Oslo, Parramatta, Lieja, … Metros of Naples,
procesos de diseño y de industrialización pensando en el ciclo Barcelona, Quito,… EMU’s, DMU´s, BMU’s for Keolis
de vida del producto. Amey, Transpennine… New South Wales Regional Trains in
Australia, medium and long distance railways (AMLD) of
Áreas geográficas donde comercializa los productos y SNCF, Caledonian Sleeper,…. Specialized in fire engineering,
servicios: Fundamentalmente España, pero con aplicación de technical documentation for the certification of rolling stock
sus soluciones a nivel mundial. and equipment according to the different regulations that apply
worldwide (EN 45545, BS 6853:1999 and GM/RT2130, NFPA
Facturación: 1.430.000 euros 130), and design of the mock-up for the corresponding tests.
Nº de empleados: 26 Requirements Management Engineering, collaborating in more
Capital social: 48.000 euros than 50 projects and after-sales management supporting our
Inversión en I+D: 95.000 euros clients in the management and resolution of them, developing
design engineering if necessary.
- PRODUCT ENGINEERING: Collaboration in many projects
Description: such as the rehabilitation of Medellín, el Cairo… metro coaches,
Industrial design, mechanical and computer engineering Amsterdam metro modifications, design of components such as
company, specialized in the development of rolling stock the gathering tables for Australia regional vehicles and after-
and auxiliary projects from its initial conception to the sales solutions, manufacturing modifications and management
industrialization processes and their documentation. support in the Caledonian Sleeper project.
Management team: Manager D: Juan Ciprés. Technical - Optimization of product and manufacturing processes
Director: José Solas. through concurrency engineering for different manufacturers.
Activity: Components, Engineering and Consulting. Innovations:
Pursuing a goal of creating a virtual machine system that is
Main products and services: stable, reliable and low cost, after two years of R&D we have
- Technical assistance and product design for the construction created a virtualization solution on top of KVM. We were
of rolling stock looking for a system that would be able to move Windows
268 Anuario del Ferrocarril 2023 Spanish Railway Yearbook