Page 266 - Anuario FFCC - 2023
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company guide  Director: Angeles Morales. Communication Director: Irma   - CBTC system.

                                                                     - Automatic driving system.
                    Aguado Signalling, Systems and Infrastructures Managing
                                                                     - Lateral conventional signalling products.
                    Director: Luciano Barbieri. Services Unit Director:
                    Antonio Rodríguez. Commercial Director: Jon  Ander
                                                                     Surveillance systems and passenger information for all
                    Vegas. General Director Barcelona Industrial centre:
                    Cristina  Andériz. General Director Bizkaia Industrial
                                                                     kinds of lines and trains
                    centre: Diego García.
                                                                     Digital mobility:
                    Main products and services:
                    As a promoter of sustainable mobility, Alstom develops
                    and markets systems, equipment and services for the
                    transport sector.  Alstom offers a complete range of   -   Digital Passenger solutions.
                                                                           City mobility and multimodality.
                    solutions (from high-speed trains to regional, suburban,   -   IoT.
                    metros and tramways), passenger solutions, customized
                    services (maintenance, modernization), infrastructure,   Services  and  maintenance  (rolling  stock  and
                    signalling and digital mobility solutions. Alstom is a world   infrastructures):  As pioneers in the maintenance
                    leader in integrated transport systems.          and  renovation of rolling stock,  Alstom offers various
                                                                     customized services to public and private rail operators.
                    Alstom Trains - Range of rolling stock:          The  aim  is  to  ensure  an  optimized,  safe  and  global
                                                                     management of the rolling stock and other  railway
                    -    Metros                                      equipment throughout its life cycle, whether it has been
                    -    Tramways                                    manufactured by Alstom or by third parties: maintenance,
                    -     Commuter trains                            renovation, management of spare parts, support and
                    -     Regional Trains                            technical assistance.
                    -     High and Very High-Speed Trains
                    -     Locomotives                                Infrastructure  and  turnkey  systems:  Alstom offer
                    -     100% automated People Mover                a complete range of solutions for rail installation,
                                                                     automatic people mover, electrification and electricity
                    Signalling  solutions:  Alstom Spain’s railway signalling,   supply for all types of railway networks, and supply of
                    and safety business unit has about 1000 technicians and   all electromechanical equipment for lines, stations and
                    engineers dedicated to developing and implementing   workshops.  Alstom is a leader in Spain in substations
                    signalling and safety solutions. With over 100 years in   2x25 kV and rail catenary high-speed. The company has
                    our country, the engineering centre and the technology   participated in the execution of almost all substations
                    laboratories in Madrid run innovative projects for the   on  high-speed  lines  in  Spain.  Alstom  Spain  has  also
                    domestic market and exports. In addition, Alstom Spain   participated in installing and maintaining security systems
                    has two excellence centres worldwide which supply   in most tunnels on Spanish high-speed networks.
                    railway signalling and safety and passenger information.
                                                                     Turnkey systems: The increasing complexity of projects
                    Signalling systems, control, Safety and Communication   lead  operators  to  seek global  answers  to  their  needs.
                    for:                                             Alstom combines  all its expertise as a multi-specialist
                                                                     manufacturer to manage complete railway systems:
                    -    Long-haul, regional and commuter services.  rolling stock, signalling, infrastructure, and services...
                    -    Urban and suburban systems.
                    -    High-speed lines.                                    REFERENCES ALSTOM SPAIN
                    -    Light railway trains and tramways.
                                                                     Main references in Spain:  Rolling Stock
                    Signalling, security and communication systems range:
                                                                     -     Barcelona, Madrid, Tenerife, Murcia, Parla, Jaen,
                    - Conventional signalling systems.               Murcia, Valencia and Alicante tramways.
                    - Interoperable European signalling system: ERTMS.  -   Barcelona and Madrid metros.
                    - Protection system ATP / ATO.                   -     Commuter trains for FGC (S213 and S113) and

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