Page 351 - Anuario FFCC - 2024
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tions and surveys of electronic and mechanic systems (MTBF,   Innovations:
               MTTR, ’, LCCA…), using such techniques as RBD, FTA, ETA,   “Expleo Innovation Factory”: Design to Cost, Digitalization,
               FMEA, FMECA. Reliability improvement studies: FRACAS.  Data utilization, Intelligent Systems, Factory of the Future,
               Critical Software Development: Generic and specific SILX ap-  Software DEV, Cloud, Cybersecurity, Data, Hyperautomati-
               plication support covering all lifecycle phases of the CENELEC   on, IoT & Edge-computing, Digital Twin, AR/VR, Predictive
               5012X standard. From operational requirements to validation   Maintenance.                        guía de empresas
               and commissioning of the different elements of the signalling
               systems for Mainline and Mass transit lines (ERTMS, CBTC,   Geographic areas where your products and services are mar-
               IXL, TMS).                                       keted: Worldwide.
               Integrated Logistic Support (ILS):  Lifecycle cost analysis
               (LCC), Maintenance Engineering (preventive, predictive and   Certifications: ISO 9001:2015, ISO 9100:2016, ISO 17020.
               reliability centered maintenance - RCM -studies). GMAO im-
               plementation. Data mining and decision-making aid system.  Turnover: 1,3 billion Euros.
               Manufacturing Engineering: Expertise in different areas: work   No. of employees: 17,000 in more than 30 countries.
               preparation, Industrial Process Design, Lean and Methods
               Time Measurement (MTM).
               Mechanical and Electrical Engineering: Design, calculation
               and simulation of mechanical elements and systems (carbo-
               dies, bogies, rolling, interiors, HVAC…), composites, effort
               analysis and fatigue calculations. Electrical design and wiring
               Project Management and Quality Assurance: Comprehensive
               Management Service for projects, integration, technical assi-
               stance and documentation support.

               Critical Software Development SIL4. SIGNALLING: 2. Inde-
               pendent Safety Assessment (according to CENELEC 5012X     Dirección postal / Postal address:
               and 402/2013 EU regulation).                                  Avenida Labradores, 1.
                                                                        28760 Tres Cantos, Madrid (España)
                                                                           Teléfono: +34 914 564 735
               Activities in the year:                                 Email:
               Safety Management in different, domestic and foreign, High-
               Speed, Conventional and Metro projects (Germany, England,   Equipo directivo:
               UK, US, Belgium…).                               Director General: Manuel Jiménez Fernández. Director Ope-
               Independent Safety Assessment for Control, command & si-  rativo: Ignacio Encinas Sánchez.
               gnalling and Infrastructure subsystems of generic products,
               generic applications and specific applications, according to   Actividad: Servicios de Ingeniería y Consultoría en el sector
               CENELEC 5012X and 402/2013 and 2015/1136 EU Regula-  del transporte.
               RAM Analysis in different railway projects for Signalling, Ener-  Principales productos y servicios:
               gy and Communication systems.                    Estudios de viabilidad, diseño conceptual. Proyectos de con-
               Critical software development and V&V activities of RBC sy-  strucción. Supervisión de Obras y Asistencias Técnicas para
               stem for ERTMS/ETCS L2 system and CBTC zone controller   sistemas de ferrocarriles, transporte urbano metro, tranvía…
               system. Conventional railway network station design for CTC.
               Testing and commissioning of several railway installations   Productos estrella: INGENIERÍA Y CONSULTORÍA: 1. Esta-
               in Conventional and High-Speed Network. Integration and   ción de Legorreta. Línea de cercanías C-1 (San Sebastián).
               design support for electronic interlockings. Railway systems   2. Mejora de accesibilidad de la estación Santiago Bernabéu
               (conventional, High-Speed and Metro) installation and main-  del Metro de Madrid. Modernización e implantación de as-
               tenance work coordination. Planning and monitoring several   censores
               railway signalling projects (High Speed and Metros).

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