Page 355 - Anuario FFCC - 2024
P. 355
ISO-9001 (desde 1994), sello a la calidad “Madrid Excelente”. > Railways
Certificados del sistema de Gestión Medioambiental: Certi-
ficado AENOR para ISO-14001 (desde 1998), Verificación del RER3 Go Expansion On-Corr Project. Toronto - Ontario (Ca-
inventario de gases de efecto invernadero por AENOR (desde nada).
2010), Verificación de la Memoria de sostenibilidad por AE- Mega-project for a complete renovation of the GO TRANSIT
NOR (desde 2011). system, commuter rail in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). It guía de empresas
Certificado de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales: Certificado covers the renewal and extension of the existing rail infrastruc-
SGS para ISO 45001 (desde 2020, anteriormente OHSAS ture including electrification, supply of railway rolling stock,
18.001:1999). and maintenance and operation of the network for 25 years.
Certificación del sistema de gestión de la de I+D+i por AE-
NOR conforme a la norma UNE 166002 (desde 2007). Railway contracts in Romania (Romania). Rehabilitation of
Certificación del sistema de Gestión de la Seguridad de la In- the Sighisoara-Atel and Atel-Micasasa sections of the Brasov
formación por AENOR conforme a la ISO 27001 (desde 2007). - Simeria railway line. Rehabilitation of the Barzava-Ilteu and
Certificación del sistema de gestión de las relaciones de tra- Gurasada-Simeria sections of the Curtici-Simeria railway line
bajo colaborativas por AENOR según norma UNE ISO 44001 on the Romanian-Hungarian border. Upgrading of the Caran-
(desde 2019). sebes-Timisoara-Arad railway line: section Lugoj-Timisoara
Est. Upgrading of the Cluj-Episcopia Bihor railway line: sec-
Cifra de negocio: 2.823,1 millones de euros. tion Alesd-Poieni.
Contratación: 6.425,9 millones de euros.
Ebitda: 169,4 millones de euros. Modernization of the Western Line, Mira Sintra / Meleças –
Caldas da Rainha section, between km 20+320 and 107+740.
Subsection B: Torres Vedras-Caldas da Rainha (Portugal).
The main actions are the rectification of some curves on the
Description: railway layout, the electrification of the line, and interventi-
FCC Construction leaders in infrastructures ons in 6 stations and 3 halts, with the creation of passenger
FCC Construccion is a company specialized in large infra- docks with minimum lengths of 150 m and technical rooms to
structure projects throughout the world. FCC Construccion accommodate the command and control equipment for circu-
belongs to FCC Group, whose main lines of business are envi- lation and telecommunications.
ronmental services, water and infrastructures. With more than
120 years of experience, FCC Construcción is among the top Access to La Sagrera Station (Barcelona, España). The works
construction companies in the world. consist of the execution of the access sections to the future
La Sagrera Station and the two lines Villafranca-Maçanet and
Management team: Managing Director: Pablo Colio Abril. Vilanova-Mataró, which will be placed between screens in
the lower level of the same, as well as the platform where
Main products and services: the Madrid-Barcelona-French border high-speed line will be
Civil works (metro, bridges, roads, railway works, ports, air- located, which is available over the previous ones. The lay-
ports, water treatment plants, transport terminals ...), building out of the commuter tracks is depressed at the entrance of
(residential and non-residential), industrial and concessions. the station and returns to ascend to the initial level at the exit
of it, while the High Speed line would have a substantially
Top products: INFRAESTRUCTURE: 1. Access to La Sagre- horizontal layout.
ra Station. Track assembly and execution of installations in
technical areas for trains (Barcelona). 2. Track duplication of Track assembly and execution of installations in technical
the R-3 commuter line (Barcelona). Parets del Vallés-La Gar- areas for trains at La Sagrera (Barcelona, España). The con-
riga section. Track and electrification. TRACK: 3. Complete tract for the main work has been complemented with the track
remodelling of Fuente de San Luis Station (Valencia) for the assembly contract, which includes the complete work for the
implementation of standard gauge track. 4. Conditioning of commissioning of the high-speed tracks at La Sagrera, and the
the Roda de Bará Tunnel for the implementation of standard contract for the architecture and installations of the technical
gauge on the Mediterranean Corridor. treatment area for trains (A and B phases).
Activities in the year: Arterial railway network of Valladolid. East by-pass. Railway
Below, a selection of some of the largest projects in execution. substructure and civil works (Valladolid, España). It has a
Spanish Railway Yearbook 2024 Anuario del Ferrocarril 353