Page 359 - Anuario FFCC - 2024
P. 359
Main products and services: Platform of the Mediterranean High Speed corridor. Section:
Ferrovial Group is a leading global infrastructure operator, Pulpí-Vera.
committed to developing sustainable solutions, with more Platform of the Madrid - Extremadura - Talayuela – Cáceres
than 90 years of experience applied to the development of High Speed Railway. Section: Río Tiétar - Malpartida de Pla-
construction works and innovation. The company operates in sencia.
more than 15 countries and has a workforce of over 24,000 Remodeling of the A Coruña - San Cristovo station and si- guía de empresas
professionals worldwide. Ferrovial is triple listed on Euronext gnaling system, train protection, centralized traffic control and
Amsterdam, Nasdaq and the Spanish stock exchanges, and is communications.
a member of Spain’s blue-chip IBEX 35 index. It is part of the Undergrounding of the arterial railway network in the city of
Dow Jones Sustainability Index and FTSE4Good, and all its Murcia. Undergrounding of the station and Barriomar and un-
operations are conducted in compliance with the principles dergrounding of Nonduermas.
of the UN Global Compact, which the company adopted in Platform of the Vitoria-Bilbao-San Sebastián High Speed Rail-
2002. way. Section: Legutiano-Escoriatza. Subsection II.
Maintenance of infrastructure, track and switch and crossing
The achievement of Ferrovial Group’s strategy involves Ferro- of the Madrid South High Speed Railway Line. Lot 2 and 3.
vial Construction. The division remains committed to innova- Maintenance of infrastructure, track and switch and crossing
tion and technology to minimize its environmental footprint, for the Madrid Northeast High Speed Railway Line. Lot 2.
generate a positive impact on society and ensure the safety of Maintenance of infrastructure, track and switch and crossing
users and workers. Along with its own profitability and cash for the Madrid Northwest High Speed railway line. Lot 1.
generation capacity, it adds value by coordinating the design Maintenance of infrastructure, track and switch and crossing
and construction of infrastructure concessions in which other for the Plasencia-Badajoz High Speed railway line.
Ferrovial investment divisions participate. Maintenance of MIV Northwest. Lot 1.
Maintenance of MIV East. Lot 4.
Top products: INFRASTRUCTURE: 1. Undergrounding of the Maintenance of MIV Center. Lot 5.
R2 line of the Barcelona commuter train as it passes through Vegetation control by herbicide train in AV.
Montacada i Reixac and construction of the new station. Vegetation control and margins on conventional lines. Lot 1.
MAINTENANCE: 2. Maintenance services, vegetation control Vegetation control and margins on conventional lines. Lot 3.
and locomotive operation on the Spanish railway network. Vegetation control and margins on conventional lines. Lot 4.
Vegetation control and margins on conventional lines. Lot 5.
Activities in the year: Operation of ADIF locomotives. Northeast. Lot 1.
Railway tracks Operation of ADIF locomotives. East. Lot 2.
Spain Towing of trains with materials for works to be carried out on
Undergrounding of the R2 commuter line of Barcelona as it the conventional gauge network
passes through the urban area of Montcada I Reixac and con- International
struction of the new station. Construction of the California High Speed Line. Section 4:
Accesses to La Sagrera station. Fresno-Bakersfield (USA).
Track assembly of La Sagrera High Speed station. Design and construction of lots C2 and C3 of the British HS2
Architecture and facilities of La Sagrera Train Technical Treat- High Speed railway line (UK).
ment Area. Construction of the “Rail Baltica” High Speed railway line in
Viaduct over the Ebro River and connection platform with the Latvia.
Castejón-Comarca de Pamplona High Speed Railway Line.
Renewal, change of gauge and adaptations of Xátiva-Nudo de Metros and metropolitan railways
la Teja. Spain
Integral improvement of the infrastructure of the Madrid-Sevil- Barcelona Metro (Spain). Line 8 between Plaza de España and
le High Speed Line. Section: Guadalmez-Córdoba. Gracia stations.
Renewal of turnouts (PHASE 1) in the Madrid-Seville High International
Speed Line. Toronto Metro (Canada).
Oural Tunnel located in the Monforte-Lugo section of Line Sydney Metro (Australia).
800: A Coruña-León. Paris Metro (France).
Platform of the Mediterranean High Speed corridor. Section: Lisbon Metro (Portugal). Yellow and pink line.
Spanish Railway Yearbook 2024 Anuario del Ferrocarril 357