Page 363 - Anuario FFCC - 2024
P. 363

Áreas geográficas donde comercializa los productos y ser-  a specialist in their conversion. The company has extensive
               vicios:                                          experience in the transformation, lamination and die-cutting
               España, Portugal, Francia, Marruecos, Polonia, Alemania, Ita-  of adhesive tapes, as well as in the manufacture of specialized
               lia, Malta, Rusia, Suiza, Tánger, Andorra, República Checa,   labels for the railway sector.
               México, Estados Unidos, Reino Unido, Bélgica, Rumanía,
               Brasil, Sudáfrica, Turquía, Grecia, Austria, Hungría, Irlanda y   Furthermore, Fustier S.A. develops, in collaboration with Vul-  guía de empresas
               Serbia.                                          kan, turnkey machinery for the automation of the application
                                                                and dispensing of tapes and adhesives, helping companies
               Certificaciones:                                 optimize their production processes, increase efficiency, and
               Calidad y Medio Ambiente:                        reduce costs.
               Calidad: ISO 9001:2015
               Medioambiente: ISO 14001:2015                    The commitment of Fustier S.A. with innovation and quality
               Certificación de Calidad para Automoción: IATF 16949:2016  has allowed it to establish lasting relationships with top-level
                                                                clients in the railway sector. Characterized by having a highly
               Facturación: 14.600.000 euros                    qualified commercial team, which offers personalized advice
                                                                and technical assistance in the selection and application of the
                                                                most appropriate adhesive products for each project.

               Management team:                                 Top products:  MAINTENANCE: 1. Self-adhesive laminate
               General Director: Jordi Ribot, Sales Manager: Alfonso Miguel,   and cut-to-size of floors and pavements. COMPONENTS: 2.
               Operations Manager: Mauricio Sanabria, Finantial Director:   Adhesive systems for 3m™ Dual lock™ detachable joints. 3.
               Gemma Guerrero.                                  3M™ VHB™ Double-Sided Acrylic Foams. MECHANICAL
                                                                CONSTRUCTION: 4. 3M Structural Adhesives™.
               Components, Mechanical Construction, Electronics, Air Con-  Activities in the year:
               ditioning Equipment, Electric Equipment, Auxiliary Mecha-  During 2023, Fustier has supplied 36,700 km of adhesive tape,
               nical Equipment, Engineering and Consulting, Maintenance,   manufactured 72,000,000 die-cuts and 261,000,000 labels
               Other.                                           for more than 1,714 projects around the world. In addition, it
                                                                has begun the expansion of its facilities and machinery with
               Main products and services:                      the aim of continuing to offer the best service to its customers.
               Since 1980, Fustier S.A. has positioned itself as a leader in
               the distribution and transformation of adhesive products for   Geographic areas where your products and services are mar-
               the industry, consolidating itself as the largest authorized 3M   keted:
               distributor in Spain and Portugal. The innovative approach   Spain, Portugal, France, Morocco, Poland, Germany, Italy,
               and commitment to excellence have allowed the company to   Malta, Russia, Switzerland, Tangier, Andorra, Czech Repu-
               develop successful and tailored solutions for various sectors,   blic, Mexico, United States, United Kingdom, Belgium, Ro-
               including the railway sector.                    mania, Brazil, South Africa, Turkey, Greece, Austria, Hungary
                                                                , Ireland and Serbia.
               In the railway sector, Fustier stands out for having a large port-
               folio of 3M adhesives, specially designed to meet the deman-  Certifications:
               ding industry standards. Offering solutions for:  Quality and Environment:
                                                                Quality: ISO 9001:2015
               - Fixing internal and external components        Environment: ISO 14001:2015
               - Installation of pavements, floors, and interior panels  Automotive Quality Certification: IATF 16949:2016
               - Fixing and sealing of roofs, doors, and windows
               - Adhesive solutions that absorb unwanted vibrations and noi-  Turnover: 14.600.000 euros
               - Adhesive solutions that thermally insulate and protect against

               Fustier S.A. not only distributes adhesive products but is also

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