Page 356 - Anuario FFCC - 2024
P. 356

company guide  total length of 17.5 km, with 2 branches in the initial sec-  Conditioning of the Roda de Bará Tunnel for the implementa-

                 tion and two provisional links with the current route at the
                                                                   tion of standard gauge on the Mediterranean Corridor (Tarra-
                                                                   gona, España). Adaptation of the Roda de Bará tunnel section
                 beginning and end of the section. A variant in Iberian gauge
                                                                   for the implementation of standard gauge. This includes the
                 will be developed, mainly for the transport of merchandise,
                                                                   readjustment of the section for the new gauges and the imple-
                 on which will be located a New Railway Complex, which will
                 have access in international gauge. The layout in plan with
                                                                   mentation of slab track, the structural repair of the tunnel due
                                                                   to the significant problems of leaks, damp and existing surges,
                 design speed of 160 km / h, runs on the surface along its entire
                                                                   and the installation of an efficient drainage system.
                 length except in 2 km in which the ground runs underground,
                 being mostly false tunnel. The type section of the platform is
                 suitable for a double track of Iberian gauge with an entree of
                 4.0 m, although in a zone of 6 km the platform is extended
                                                                   Riyadh Metro. Lines 4, 5 and 6 (Saudi Arabia). The project
                 to accommodate a third track in UIC gauge, to be installed   > Metro and Metropolitan Infrastructures
                 in the future. As for the structures, the variant has 1 viaduct,   includes the design and construction of lines 4 (yellow), 5
                 5 underpasses, 8 overpasses and a pedestrian walkway. The   (green) and 6 (purple), which will have 25 stations for which
                 most unique structure is the viaduct of “Los Tramposos”, on   64.6 kilometers of subway tracks will be required, 29.8 kilo-
                 the N-601 road, with a total length of 1,130.5 meters.  meters of viaducts, 26.6 kilometers of underground roads and
                                                                   8.2 kilometers of surface roads. For the construction of the
                 Construction of the freight terminal of the railway complex   three lines, two Tunnel Boring Machines of the type TBM (tun-
                 and its connection with Valladolid’s new arterial railway net-  nel boring machine), of 9.77 meters in diameter, were used to
                 work (Valladolid, España).                        excavate complete section tunnels.
                 Construction of the freight terminal of the new arterial
                 network’s railway complex. It has a set of tracks for the ent-  Lima Metro. Line 2 and branch line 4 (Peru).  The project
                 ry, exit and formation of trains, and a loading/unloading area   includes  the  design,  construction,  financing,  operation  and
                 consisting of a concrete slab 750 m long by 50 m wide.  maintenance of Line 2 of the Lima Metro and a branch of Line
                                                                   4, which will reach the airport, for an amount of 3,900 milli-
                 Track duplication of the R-3 commuter line. Parets del Val-  on euros. Line 2 will have a length of 27 kilometers and will
                 lés - La Garriga section. Track and electrification (Barcelona,   cover the east-west axis of Lima, from Ate to Callao. Once in
                 España). Track duplication in a 16 km section including plat-  operation, will serve more than 600,000 people a day, which
                 form and track, structures (9 viaducts, 7 overpasses, 9 under-  will save up to ninety minutes on its journey. For its part, the
                 passes, 28 walls), drainage (19 culverts for drainage, ditches,   branch line 4, which will link the Peruvian capital with the
                 collectors), electrification (catenary), railway installations, and   airport, will run along 8 kilometers of tunnel, from Faucett
                 restoration of affected services and easements.   avenues to Nestor Gambetta.

                 Undergrounding of Renfe’s R2 commuter line in Montcada i   Toronto Subway Extension of TTC Line 2 (Toronto, Canada).
                 Reixac (in Vallès Occidental, Barcelona, Spain). The project   Line 2 will be extended by 7.8 kilometres, including new stati-
                 includes the construction of the new station in this munici-  ons and connections to Line 5, TTC bus services and Durham
                 pality and will involve an unprecedented urban and railway   Region Transit. The extension will replace the existing Line
                 transformation, due to the diversity and technical and con-  3, improving the customer experience by providing fast and
                 structive complexity.                             seamless access to the city and helping to reduce travel times.

                 Complete remodelling of Fuente de San Luis Station for the   Certifications:
                 implementation of standard gauge track (Valencia, España).  Quality System Certificates: AENOR Certificate for ISO-9001
                 Renovation of the superstructure of the mixed gauge track or   (since 1994), seal to the quality “Madrid Excelente”.
                 adaptation to this gauge where it does not yet exist on the   Certificates of the Environmental Management System: AE-
                 general track and on a large part of the rail yard, including   NOR Certificate for ISO-14001 (since 1998), Verification of
                 optimisation of the geometry. Other works to be carried out   Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventory by AENOR (since 2010)
                 are the creation of new platform to sort rail tracks, and the ad-  , Verification of Sustainability report by AENOR (since 2011).
                 aptation of the drainage, electrification, railway installations,   Certificate for Occupational Risk Prevention Certificate: SGS
                 services and easements and auxiliary installations to the new   Certificate in accordance with ISO 45001 (since 2020, pre-
                 track configuration.                              viously OHSAS 18.001: 1999).
                                                                   R + D + i management system certificate in accordance with

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