Page 348 - Anuario FFCC - 2024
P. 348
company guide Áreas geográficas donde comercializa los productos y ser- System. 2. Integrated Systems of Centralized Traffic Control
España, América Latina (Chile, Brasil, México, Argentina);
Activities in the year:
Norte de África y Oriente Medio (Argelia, Egipto, Turquía,
Awards: Adaptation of the Bidirectional Automatic Block in
Arabia Saudita), Asia Pacífico.
the Herrera de la Mancha – Manzanares section (Adif); Sa-
fety installations in the Colmenar Viejo – Soto del Real sec-
Calidad: Certificado ISO 9001:2015 nº ES114135-1 Bureau
tion (Adif); Signalling and Telecommunications in the Gua-
new double track section between Astillero and Orejo (Adif);
Medio Ambiente: Certificado ISO 14001:2015 nº ES114134
Design and Execution of the new Stations Neuronal Centre
-1 Bureau Veritas.
Seguridad: Certificado ISO 45001:2018 nº ES123754 -1 Bu- dalajara-Ariza section (Adif); New Signalling system for the
(CNE) at Valdebebas, Madrid, in JV with Indra (Adif); Double
reau Veritas. Automatic Block in the Torrelavega-Santander-Nueva Mon-
Compliance: Certificado ISO 37001:2016 nº ASO 2019/0039 taña and Maliaño-Astillero sections in JV with Telice (Adif);
Aenor. Substitution of the telephone block between Aranda de Duero
and Bifurcación Aranda (Adif).
Nº de Empleados: 200
Inversión en I+D: 7% de la facturación Work in progress: Signalling and Telecoms for the Villa-
Cifra de negocio: 47.000 (en miles de euros) bona-Gijón/Calzada section (Adif); Electrification sections
control for Adif North East area (JV with CYMI); AV Camera-
based Object Detection System, DOCAVA (Adif); Signal-
ling and Telecoms for the Monreal-Sagunto section (Adif);
Management team: Signalling and Telecoms for the Laviana-Tuilla section (JV
General Manager, José Luis Domingo; Operations Director, with Telice, Adif); New electronic interlocking for Vicálva-
David Sanz; R&D Director: Celestino Martínez-Ten; Enginee- ro Clasificación (Dragados/TECSA JV for Adif); Signalling
ring Director: Miguel Ángel Morales; International Business for the North East section of Madrid commuter network
Development Director, Javier Quijada; Human Resources (Atocha-Guadalajara, Adif); Maintenance of Signalling sy-
Director, Marisa Montero; Finance Director: Carmen Serrano. stem at Rancagua, Talca and Concepción (EFE, Chile), Si-
gnalling and interlocking for Oviedo station, Maintenance
Description: services of the Power SCADA System of all conventional
Enyse is a Signalling company belonging to the Cobra Indu- lines (in consortium with SICA, for Adif), Signalling and
strial Services (Cobra IS) division of the Vinci group. Enyse telecomms systems of lines 4, 6, 8 of Metrovalencia (in
has the ability to work in all phases of a project, from con- consortium with Electrans, for FGV), Torrelavega-Santander
ception and design to manufacturing and maintenance of line (Adif), Sagunto-Teruel line (Adif), Mataporquera-Bárce-
Safety installations, both for proprietary and subcontracted na line (Adif), Guillarei-Tui line (Adif).
technologies. Enyse´s human capital, track record and relati-
onship with the Cobra IS railway companies make it capable Innovations:
of offering also a wide range of systems and services including Prototype for improvement of track-crossing protection for
Signalling but also power, telecoms or the maintenance of all passengers, following Adif challenge - Sustainable Develop-
electromechanical systems along any type of railway line - ment Goals.
conventional, freight or high speed. Enyse has launched the development of EUROTRACKS. The
project proposes an innovative technological solution for the
Main products and services: different elements installed on the track through integrated in-
Safety solutions and telecommunication systems for railway frastructure management whilst facilitating rail interoperabili-
applications. EiS23 electronic interlocking. ENYSIC Centra- ty and compliance with the European Technical Specifications
lized Traffic Control. Systems for control of tramway lines. for Interoperability (TSI) for Control, Command and Signalling
E-300 protection systems for level crossings. SCADA and (CCS) systems.
maintenance centralization systems. LED-type wayside si-
gnals. Integration and maintenance services. Geographic areas where your products and services are mar-
Top products: SIGNALLING: 1. EiS23 Electronic Interlocking Spain, Latin America (Chile, Brazil, Mexico, Argentina); Midd-
346 Anuario del Ferrocarril 2024 Spanish Railway Yearbook