Page 246 - Anuario FFCC - 2024
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company guide  Certificaciones:                         7 and Metronorte with line 10 for MINTRA; ATO-CTC for the

                 Calidad, Medio Ambiente y seguridad y salud: ISO 9001:2015
                                                                   extensions of the Metro Madrid. Technical Assistance in the
                                                                   Hortaleza Deposit (Madrid); Modifications on Speed   Codes
                 and ISO 14001:2015 y 45001:2018.
                                                                   and Distance to Go systems in several lines (4, 5 and 10) of the
                                                                   Madrid Metro; Mounting of track in plate and electrification
                 Facturación: Consolidada con el grupo.
                                                                   in the new connection between the Atocha and Chamartin
                 Nº de empleados: Gran equipo de ingenieros ferroviarios.
                 Inversión en I+D: 4%
                                                                   stations. Signaling systems and train protection ERTMS, CTC
                                                                   and auxiliary detection systems in the Madrid-Levante High
                                                                   Motilla-Valencia), Olmedo-Zamora-Galicia High Speed   Line
                                                                   ( section: Ourense-Santiago),  Zaragoza-Huesca  High  Speed
                 Founded by Antonio Puyol, with 40 years of experience in the   Speed   Line (sections: Torrejón-Motilla, Motilla-Albacete and
                                                                   Line; High Speed   Line Valladolid-León and Valladolid-Burgos
                 sector, and managed by Roberto Puyol, Airtren S.L. is an engi-  (VALEBU) for ADIF; Works for the  Platform Screen Doors
                 neering Company characterized by its dynamism when facing   installation in the Madrid Metro; Substitution of the catena-
                 new challenges. His success lies in not looking for customers   ry of line 2 of Metro de Madrid; Track assembly work in the
                 but good partners, by leaving a trail of commitment and pro-  extension of Line 1 towards the Ensanche de Vallecas. Works
                 fessionalism wherever it goes. This has allowed the company   for the implantation of electronic interlocking in the Deposit
                 to build a really good network in the railway field.  of Canillejas de Metro de Madrid; Implementation and start-
                 In January 2024, the IKOS Group, a consultancy specialized   up of the concessions of the light rail lines ML 1, ML 2 and
                 in railway engineering, accelerates its growth worldwide and   ML 3 of the Community of Madrid for MINTRA; Modifications
                 acquires the company AIRTREN SL in Spain.         in Substations of the Madrid Metro; Signaling Supervision in
                 As a true driver of engineering and innovation for its clients,   several Metro Lines of Madrid. Implementation of rail-ground
                 IKOS positions itself as a strategic partner for railway players   protection implementation in 18 traction centers of the Ma-
                 thanks to the advanced experience of its 1,500 specialized en-  drid Metro. Implementation of the  signaling CBTC system
                 gineers and continuous research on railway innovation issues.  and ITCS control center in the La Loma-Ciénaga Line and in
                 IKOS, leader in the railway sector, is already present through   the Rolling Stock of FENOCO (Colombia); Implementation of
                 its 27 offices in 13 countries: France, Germany, Belgium, Ca-  the ERTMS N1 system in the Sarmiento Line of Buenos Aires
                 nada, Spain, the United States, Israel, Italy, Morocco, Portu-  (Argentina). For the tender for the concession of the Mósto-
                 gal, the United Kingdom, Sweden and Switzerland.  les - Navalcarnero line for OHL; For the tender of the Lima
                                                                   urban train concession for OHL; Of the systems of signaling
                 Management team: Roberto Puyol Escolar, Beatriz Escolar-  and protection of the train ERTMS of High Speed   Line Zara-
                 Noriega and Emilio Martín.                        goza-Huesca (section: Tardienta-Huesca) for ADIF; Of the
                                                                   systems of signaling and protection of the train ERTMS, CTC
                 Activity: Railway Safety, Engineering and Consulting.  and auxiliary detection systems in the Madrid-Levante High-
                                                                   Speed   Line (sections: Torrejón-Motilla, Motilla-Albacete and
                 Main products and services:                       Motilla-Valencia). Of the  signaling and protection systems
                                                                   of the ERTMS, CTC and auxiliary detection systems in the
                 Top products: ASSESSMENT, CERTIFICATION, RESEARCH   Olmedo-Zamora-Galicia High Speed Line (section: Ourense-
                 AND  TRAINING:  1.  Assessment  Body  “AsBo”.  MAINTE-  Santiago) for ADIF; Of the signaling systems of the Granada
                 NANCE: 2. CROSS INSPECT.                          Tram. Evaluation of proposals to contests of the SCT Mexica-
                                                                   na. Inspection of Quito Metro Facilities (Ecuador). Project for
                 Activities in the year:                           the installation of a “distance to go” signaling system (DTG)
                 Activities: 2007-2024:                            on Line 5 of the Madrid Metro for Siemens. Inspections of
                                                                   the Level Crossings and of the Crossings between platforms
                 Consulting and Technical Assistance for the implementation   for passengers in stations for the AESF. Drafting of signaling
                 of  CBTC system (Communications-Based Train Control) on   and communications projects for the Asunción-Guardo and
                 lines 1 and 6 of Metro de Madrid system. In 68 trains 2000   Ferrol - Ortigueira railway lines for  ADIF. Drafting of con-
                 series and in 48 trains series 5000, respectively; Implementati-  struction projects for signaling and communications for the
                 on of the CBTC and Driverless system on Line 7b (Metroeste)   Asunción-Guardo railway lines;  Ferrol - Ortigueira;  Torre-
                 of the Madrid Metro; Signaling works and ATP / ATO of the   lavega Santander; Xativa-Alcoy; suppression of 10 crossings
                 Metronorte and Metroeste lines and Metroeste links with line   between platforms; all for ADIF. The Technical Assistance of

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