Page 250 - Anuario FFCC - 2024
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company guide System Engineering: embedded system, V&V, Electronics, cri- RCM, maintenance plan, monitoring guarantee, maintenance
tical SW, testing bench, tools, data processing.
optimization, improved maintenance process analysis, FRA-
Information systems: CRM, ERP, Mainframe. Cloiud services,
Security consulting including penetration testing, security ar-
Aplicaciones WEB, sistemas IoT, sistemas BigData y Business
chitectures and security communications protocols.
Product Engineering: Studies and design, calculation, simula-
Fulfillment of technical documentation: manuals (operating,
tion, materials, tests.
maintenance, etc.) list of pieces, drawings and functional
Process Engineering: Design, Industrialization, Optimization,
Production, Exploitation, Safety, Risk management.
or railway system.
Documental Engineering: Management of data bases, com-
missioning of documental systems, fulfillment of technical
Structural and Mechanical Design Engineering for rolling
stock with Catia V5.
documentation, Integrated Logistic Support. schemes, in all formats. Methodology CENELEC trainings and/
Electrical Design Engineering for rolling stock with Catia V5.
Top products: ENGINEERING AND CONSULTING: 1. Bim & Software Engineering: Developments of Software and for spe-
Asset Management Awareness & Capability Training – Metro cifics Applications.
Madrid, Spain. 2. RAMS Management - Sandbukta - Moss - Support of V&V: Validation of Interlocks, ERTMS N1-N2,
Såstad project (MOSS, Norway). CBTC, Embedded Systems.
Activities in the year: Innovations:
Activities in Railway sector: Support to constructors, opera- During this year, Akkodis has help important construction
tors, maintenance personnel and engineering in High Speed and engineering companies in the RAMS management of their
projects, Mass transit, Conventional lines and trolleys in Spe- international projects such as the Riyadh Metro, the Follow
cific Applications as in Generic Products, in Signalling as in Line between Oslo and Ski or the electrification of Israel. By
Rolling Stock together with maintenance systems considering the hand of these projects, Akkodis has consolidated its RAMS
both predictive and corrective maintenance. competences related to civil works and electrification systems,
This support is focused on System Engineering and Safety thus complementing the activities that were developing in a
Management. Inside of System Engineering, we participate traditional way for signaling systems and rolling stock.
during all product life cycle, with activities like requirement
specification, logical design and parameterization of interlock This project encloses signalling systems, manufacturing and
(conventional and high speed), development of critical SW delivery of 185 new coaches, new passenger information sy-
(SILX) for ERTMS N2; to further carry out the Integration, Ve- stems and security infrastructure that include, cameras inside
rification and Validation of these products and support until the trains, an overhead electric transmission line, auto-drive,
the commissioning. doors located on the platform, air conditioning in the trains
Now a days, supporting Safety Management: Safety Plan, Risk and connections with suburban trains.
Assessment, Hazard Register… (Until get Safety Case).
Also, Akkodis is working with Metro Santiago de Chile, the
RAM Engineering: Reliability Prediction (MTBF), Life Cycle mission of the HSOT Systems aims to provide the users and
Cost (LCC), FTA, FMEA, FMECA, RBD, ROE… for all railway operator of Metro with a global vision of the Metro network
subsystems: onboard (TCMS, doors, bogies, train integration), and lines details, stations environment conditions and ser-
signaling (interlock, CBTC, ATS, etc.) and infrastructure (sub- vices, taking as input the information supplied by the ATS sy-
stations, catenary…); RAM support in offers for new agree- stems (Automatic Train Supervision) and the SCADA systems
ments PPP of High Speed. (Supervisory, Control and Data Acquisition) for all metro lines
(L1, L2, L3, L4, L5 y L6), the energy SCADA system and the toll
Inside the activities related with operational railway safety, lines in L6 and L3. Data are acquired, filtered, analyzed and
Akkodis develops activities of Certification carrying out Inde- displayed in real-time.
pendent Safety Assessment of different systems (as for generic
products as specific applications) that introduce critical func- The Technological challenge is the High Availability of the
tions of safety with levels of integrity until SIL4. System, the project life Cycle is based on a cascade formal Life
Fulfillment of independent assessments about the proper ana- Cycle and during the development and testing phase we will
lysis to the modification application as for signaling as for rol- apply an Agile/SCRUM methodology.
ling stock.
248 Anuario del Ferrocarril 2024 Spanish Railway Yearbook