Page 242 - Anuario FFCC - 2024
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company guide - Room / Emergency intercoms: Development and manufac- compliance with the standards of EN 50155 and IEEE 1482.1
ture of IP voice intercoms, with / without Daisy chain, with /
without pushbutton, with / without PoE power. Anti vandalism
Retrovision system. The retrovision systems allow to visualize
the external activity of the train and associating this system
with the video surveillance we can also record this activity.
- Voice-over position: Rugerized, anti-vandalism, with confi-
Some of the most representative teams in this area are:
gurable buttons
- IHM: Development and manufacture of IHM with touch
- Retrovision cameras: Different developments and mechani-
screen (capacitive) of different sizes (9 “, 10.4” and 15.4 “).
ments to be installed on the outside of the vehicle.
Collective entertainment and / or on demand. The ACTIA
entertainment systems offer solutions both collectively and
- Rear view screen: Development and manufacture of rear-
view screen in different sizes (9 “, 10.4” and 12.4 “).
individually. The collective entertainment gives the unit a set cal configurations, all of them fulfilling the necessary require-
of solutions that allow programming common contents for all
train users. Entertainment on demand allows each client / user Train-Earth communication. ACTIA develops various HW
of the train to have access to a catalog of films, music, etc., and SW solutions for Train-Earth communication systems,
which they will manage in a unique and individual way. Some using Wi-Fi or cellular solutions as a means of communication
of the most representative teams in this area are: and / or integrating with the train´s radio. Also integrating SIP
solutions or different communication protocols in the room
- Room (collective) or armchair (individual) monitors: De- intercoms.
velopment and manufacture of collective TFT screens with
sizes ranging from 15.4” to 42” in format (4: 3 and 16: 9) Top projects:
and different resolutions (1,024 * 768, 1,920 * 1,080, 3,840
* 2,160). Development and manufacture of screens for seats - Renfe Gran Capacidad - The largest Cercanías contracts in
(individual) in format (4: 3 and 16: 9), with different solutions Renfe history - ACTIA will equip 201 trains in total
and mechanical developments to adapt the needs of integrati- - Tren Maya - Mexico’s long-distance train in partnership with
on with armchair, with Ethernet communication, possibility of the State of Mexico.
Wi-Fi communication and possibility of PoE power.
- Audio in armchair: Development and manufacture of au- Top product: AUXILIARY ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT: 2x42’’ dy-
dio system in armchair, where the user can select through a namic line map.
keyboard and listen using a few headphones of the different
audio channels (10 channels) transmitted through the Ethernet
network. Activities in the year:
- VOD Platform: Development and manufacture of a content Activities between 2014 – 2024.
management platform (Movies, Music, Press, Information)
where the user has access to the contents of the platform using Consolidation of design, development and implement plat-
or individual monitors (if any) or its completion (telephone, forms passengers Information, Entertainment, Video surveil-
Tablet, PC) personal. lance, and Communications over IP architectures.
During 2014 - 2023 the projects and highlights for ACTIA plat-
Video surveillance. The CCTV systems allow to record the form integration contracts have been:
activity of the interior of the train (audio and video) associa-
ting these records with events in the form of metadata (stops, - Tram Tallinn
alarms, geographical position data, speed records, etc ...). - Tram Freiburg
Some of the most representative teams in this area are: - Tram Budapest
- Sydney Tramway
- Video cameras: In different formats and models, with inter- - Metro Chile
changeable optics (from 2 mm to 8mm) with HD and FULL - Metro Chile NS-74
HD resolutions. - Kazakhstan
- CCTV Recorder: Developed to meet the standards of the rail- - Tram Sheffield
way sector, scalable to provide it with the storage capacity - Metro Istanbul
required by the project (from 500 Gb to 24 Trb) - Tram Cagliari
- Black Box: Video, audio or data recorder. Developed in - Tram Utrecht
240 Anuario del Ferrocarril 2024 Spanish Railway Yearbook